0180 - The Fight for Lu Hanli.

This is the difference of tenacity between a mortal and a cultivator, a cultivator has the resilience and willpower that often defies ordinary human limits.

[He is not hurt physically so there is nothing to heal here, we need to heal his soul.]

"Heal the soul? How? Same with the Eternal Life Core Elixir method?" 

[I don't know and it's not logical at all. Why not ask Lu Qing.]

"If you are not going to accept me then don't mind if I force myself." the malice voice of the dark doppelganger echoed from behind as Lu Sheng instinctively dodged to his side and barely avoided the sudden attack.

Lu Hanli's body was now at the center of both Lu Sheng and his dark doppelganger.

"You cannot deny me."

"I just did, I don't give a fuck about whatever you are cooking…fuck off."

"Or else what?"

Lu Sheng's bloodline flared again at the taunt and so 'his own anger', he unfurled the Lasso in response.