0192 - Memories of the Chaos Clone.

There was a brief pause as the System worked, sifting through the chaotic jumble of memories in the clone's mind. After what felt like an eternity but was likely only a few seconds, the System spoke up.

[I've managed to organize and clean up the memories, Host. They're still incomplete, but they form a more coherent narrative now. Would you like me to transfer them to you?]

"Yes, do it," Lu Sheng said eagerly.

In an instant, a flood of images and sensations washed over Lu Sheng's mind. These weren't his own memories, yet they felt intimately familiar.

As the flood of memories flooded Lu Sheng's mind, he found himself disoriented at first.

"What? Where is this? Who are all these people?" Lu Sheng muttered, trying to make sense of the scene unfolding before him. He felt as if he was seeing through the eyes of his clone, a strange and disconcerting experience.