0197 - Girlfriend's Brother.

"What the hell?" he murmured in confusion.

[What is it?]

"Doesn't it feel like something—or someone—is alive inside it?" Lu Sheng replied, his voice low and cautious.

The System analyzed the cube as well and found the same unsettling presence.

"What should we do now?" Lu Sheng asked, looking for some guidance from the System.

[I don't know, but what else can we do?]

"Yeah…except using this cube exactly like how Lu Hanli did," Lu Sheng muttered with determination.

With that decision he poured his cultivation base into it, although he said he would do exactly what Lu Hanli did, he is not sure how Lu Hanli did it. However, that does not mean he would not try it. He carefully guided his cultivation base into the cube and reacted according to the feedback.