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Inside the temple, Jian and Kaito marveled at the statues and murals depicting epic battles between light and dark. They knelt before the main altar, where a gentle light seemed to emanate from a crystal embedded in the stone.

"May the Lightbringer guide us," Kaito whispered, feeling a sense of peace wash over him.

The caretaker handed them a small crystal, similar to the one in the altar. "Take this with you. It's a fragment of the Lightbringer's power. It will help you in your fight against the darkness."

Grateful for the gift, Jian and Kaito thanked the caretaker and returned to the inn, eager to share their experience with the others.

By sundown, everyone had returned to the inn. They gathered in a private room, spreading out their finds on the table.

"We found this amulet," Mara said, placing it in the center. "It's supposed to protect against dark magic."