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"Every step we take, every altar we cleanse, brings us closer to our goal," Jian replied. "We have to keep going, no matter how difficult it gets."

Wei Lin nodded. "And we're not alone. The Lightbringer's power is with us, and we have each other. We can do this."

The next morning, they set out again, their spirits high. They followed the map to the next altar, deep in a dense forest. This one was more hidden, the darkness surrounding it even more insidious.

The cleansing ritual was more challenging this time, with the shadows fighting back fiercely. But they persevered, using the knowledge and tools they had gathered. Finally, the altar was purified, its light breaking through the gloom.

"We're getting better at this," Kaito said, a hint of a smile on his face. "But we can't let our guard down."