0220 -

The forest path began to narrow as they approached the temple site. The trees thinned out, revealing the remnants of an ancient structure partially overgrown with vines and moss. The temple's once-grand facade was now crumbling, but it still exuded a sense of ancient power.

Wei Lin gestured for the group to halt at the edge of the clearing. "We'll need to reconnoiter before entering. Let's split up and scout the perimeter."

Kaito and Selene moved to the left, their eyes trained on the temple's entrance and any possible hidden threats. Jian and Mara took the right side, investigating the overgrown areas and searching for any signs of recent activity.

Wei Lin remained at the center, her focus on the temple itself. She approached the entrance cautiously, her senses alert for any signs of movement or danger. The entrance was partially obscured by debris, but she could see enough to make out the remnants of old carvings and symbols.