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Mara, her eyes scanning the perimeter of the chamber, stood ready with her weapon drawn. "We should set up defenses around the altar. If they break through, we need to protect it at all costs."

Kaito positioned himself strategically, his weapon ready for immediate action. "I'll cover the left side. If they come in from that direction, I'll handle them."

The chamber trembled slightly as the dark energy intensified, its force creating a low, throbbing hum that seemed to reverberate through the very stones. The ancient symbols on the altar glowed with a pulsating light, their patterns shifting and changing with the ritual's progress.

Selene's chant grew louder, her concentration unwavering as she guided the ritual. "Focus on the alignment! We're creating a focal point for the energy!"

Wei Lin, her hands moving with deliberate precision, adjusted the final symbols around the altar. "We need to stabilize the energy flow. The dark energy is still volatile."