The Weasley Twins' Investigation

A shadow fell over the table causing the trio to look up. "See, Fred, my lad, I told you I smelled mischief in the kitchens," said a redheaded boy as he sat at the table across from Harry.

"That you did, George, ole boy, I never shoulda doubted you," said the boy's double as he took the seat next to 'George'.

They both reached out and served themselves up some chocolate cake. It was like watching synchronized dancing as they both moved at the same time, and did the same thing. Harry just thanked God that they stopped when 'George' used his left hand to eat, and 'Fred' used his right.

"Hello, hello, hello, who are you then?" our hero asked, liking these two immediately. There was an air of mischief around them that said they didn't conform to the rules. They could probably help him in what he needed to get done. That and, they seemed to know him, and a different point-of-view would be very welcome. The girls were nice, but it was all from a female perspective. He needed a man's point-of-view.

"Harry, these are the Weasley twins, Fred and George," Luna said, pointing to the correct twin when she called their names. It was actually quite easy to tell them apart, Fred had a rather large freckle under his right eyes and was left-handed, while George had one under his left and used his right hand. She loved to throw off their playfulness by calling the correct one when she introduced them.

"I hate that Little Luna can tell us apart," Fred said as he looked at his brother, who simply nodded in agreement as he ate his cake. "Right, enough of that, we overheard that there was a plan to escape. Now we're always up to causing chaos for the staff, but why do you feel the need to run?" he asked the dark-haired Gryffindor.

He was glad Harry was back they had been worried when he was gone. After many years of hearing their brother boost about the 'adventures' they had been on, how could they not be concerned. While Harry usually came out okay, this time he was alone. It was with great relief that they heard the rumor that the dark-haired boy was back.

George looked at the boy and noted the air of confidence that had never been there before. Yeah, Harry had done amazing things in the past, but it was only when there was danger that the boy was self-assured. Now it seemed to ooze off of him.

He nudged his brother and they held a private conversation with facial expressions. They both looked at Harry critically and came to the conclusion that something was different. The rumor was that he had lost his mind and was unstable, but they thought it was something less volatile.

"Harry has amnesia," explained Hermione, confirming their thoughts, and then she told them what little they knew about how he had lost his memories.

"So Poppy says you didn't get it from a blow to the head," George said, tapping his finger in his chin.

"And you only remember waking up on the streets," Fred stated, tapping his finger on the table.

"A mystery," they said together with a huge grin on their face.

"Well, I do remember the taste of dirty socks, but that's it," the messy-haired boy confessed, as he mind raked over what little he could recall. It still made him wonder how he know what dirty socks tasted like.

"You didn't tell me that," Hermione said, with a slight accusation in her tone.

"I'd forgotten until now," he offered with a shrug.

"Don't worry, Harrykins," Fred said, picking up his fork. He wasn't concerned; he and George were great sleuths.

"We'll suss this out," George finished, putting his flatware to the table, having finish his sweet. He, like his brother, loved mysteries, and they could find clues where no one thought to look. They knew what was hidden in the castle their third year. And what was in the pipes their forth. They Black was in the castle and on the grounds their fifth year.

They had tried to tell the professors, but it was brushed off as them playing one of their pranks. After the basilisk they stopped trying. It never dawned on them to tell Harry and his friends, they were young kids, who never should have been caught up in all that to begin with. It was, however, one of the main reasons they have the dark-haired boy the map.

They had hoped he saw what they did. They never figured out who that Pettigrew bloke was though. By the time they got close the guy was gone.

"But for now," Fred said.

"tell us about your escape plans," his brother continued.

"so we can help," they stated as one.

"Right, please don't do that. My brain is muddled enough," Harry begged, and then smiled. "Luna tells me that I have an Invisibility Cloak, which I'm going to take does what it's named, and that I can sneak to a place called Hogsmeade, and from there I can catch the Knight Bus to some place called Gringotts, which I am told is where my money is. So far that's all I have," he said in a conspiring whisper as he leaned over the table as if sharing a great secret.

"Right well, that's a start," Fred stated, thinking that they were going to have to teach young Harrykins all the tools of the trade… again. "Let's finish our afters, and then we'll go back to the dorms. Sorry, Little Luna, but you can't come with," he said with playful remorse.

"Oh, that's alright. I have homework to finish anyway. But before you make plans, we should find an empty classroom and teach Harry how to use his tricorder," she said dreamily with a wave of her hand, making Harry bounce with excitement.

"Wand," Hermione said at their blank looks. "Harry is having a hard time believing in magic. He thinks all of this is one great experiment with technology," she huffed, a bit put out that Luna was playing along with that idea. How was she supposed to teach Harry magic if the other girl was feeding his delusion?

"Well, after seeing that bloody ghost, glasses that came from nowhere, and the woman who turns into a cat, I might be swayed into believing in magic," Harry confessed as he ate his last bite of dessert.

"Oh phooey," Luna said, folding her arms and pouting. "I had an explanation that could teach you in minutes." She had wonderful ideas about how to make her new friend all-powerful. If she could do it before Hermione got ahold of him.

If there was one thing that Hermione shared with her fellow Ravenclaws it was book learning. If it wasn't written down it wasn't correct. She was hoping to get to Harry before all the rules were put into his head.

"We can still try that, Lovely Luna," Harry said with a beaming smile. He loved how she thought his ideas weren't bullshit. She was turning out to be a good person to have around.

"I believe I am going to go and… do my homework," Hermione stated, not wanting to see what wacky thing Luna came up with. That and she wanted to reevaluate her relationship with this new Harry. With his new personality, she wasn't sure if they would stay the tight friends they were before. Before he would listen to her, but now…

"We want to come," intoned the twins with grins splitting their faces. They were always up to whatever Luna came up with.

People seemed to forget the little blonde was sorted into Ravenclaw for a reason, and while they weren't friends with her, per se, they were very good neighbors. They would sneak over and watch her when she hunted for things in the field behind her house, sometimes they even joined.

They had witnesses amazing things, but she was a bit standoffish when it came to them, like she was unsure of their intentions. They, being the cheerful boys they were, just took it in stride and kept watching and hunting.


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