Arrest at Hogwarts

"So Harry," Ginny said as she and Harry sat together at the Gryffindor table for dinner. "I noticed that you haven't asked for a snog in ages." She said while raising an eyebrow at hm.

"What? Are you missing it?" Harry grinned.

"I will admit that I did enjoy it," Ginny blushed slightly. "but I am afraid that there will be no repeat performances as I have got a boyfriend now." She said in a proud voice.

"Huh? Really?" Harry asked in a surprised voice. "Since when?" He asked.

"Yesterday," Ginny answered. "I am going out with Terry Boot from Ravenclaw." She added.

"Oh? Good for you," Harry said. "how is it going?"

"Well I know that we have only been together for all of a day so I can't really say for sure but it has been alright so far, but don't try and change the topic. You haven't asked for a snog, so are you snogging someone else? Hmm, Daphne Greengrass or Tracy Davis perhaps?" Ginny asked with a teasing smile. "

"Neither actually." Harry replied. "They are just friends. They are," He added when Ginny gave him a disbelieving look. "I am actually going out with Tonks."


"Yeah, and Fleur."

"Wait what?!" Ginny blurted out with surprise.

"Yeah," Harry grinned. "don't ask, it's complicated."

"Fine but I kind of have to know how you three..." Ginny was interrupted as the doors to the hall opened and a group of aurors stormed in to the hall.

"Gentlemen," Dumbledore stood up from his seat. "may I help you?" He asked.

"Dumbledore," The lead auror said as he and the other aurors pointed their wands at Dumbledore. "you are under arrest." Gasps of surprise echoed throughout the hall by many of the students.

"Whatever for?" Dumbledore asked in a surprised voice.

"For sending the dark wizard 'Apophis; to attack Minister Fudge and Harry Potter." The auror answered.

"You what?!" Harry blurted out loudly as Dumbledore ever so slightly gaped at the auror with disbelief.

"Evidence has been found that leads us to believe that the headmaster not only knows who Apophis is but also sent him to attack Minister Fudge and yourself." The auror said to Harry before turning back to Dumbledore. "Headmaster, you will come us."

"Gentlemen, I am afraid that you are making a grave mistake." Dumbledore said in a calm voice. He had expected Fudge to eventually try and arrest him for one reason or another but he did not expect to be accused of working with Apophis. He quickly realised that this was clearly some ploy of Voldemort's.

"Threatening aurors now Dumbledore?" Umbridge asked in a pleased voice as she smiled widely, disturbing a great many people, not that she noticed. "Your lies about you-know-who are simply that, lies. You will be showed as the fraud you are."

"Dumbledore, come with us." The lead auror said as the aurors moved forward. "You will be escorted to Azkaban to await trail."

"Ah, I believe you are labouring under the delusion that I am going to come quietly, well I have no intention of going to Azkaban. I could escape but I have a whole horde of things I could be doing instead."

"Enough of this! Take him!" Umbridge shouted to the aurors, the aurors moved forward to capture Dumbledore but stopped at the sound of a screech. Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, flew into the hall. Dumbledore quickly reached up and grabbed one of his tail feathers, the two disappeared in a flash of flames. "No!" Umbridge shrieked.

"Well...I am not Dumbledore's biggest fan," Harry whispered to Ginny. "but the guy has style." Harry said as he looked at Umbridge who was fuming and looked like she wanted to rip her hair out.


"Do you guys know about the DA club?" Astoria asked as she and her friends, Scott and Jean, sat with Harry, Daphne and Tracy by the lake.

"Okay, I will bite, what the hell is the DA club?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It is some illegal defence group," Scott answered. "apparently a few students go there to secretly learn defence against the dark arts."

"If their studies are anything like their ability to keep secrets then they are doomed." Daphne commented, earning amused looks from everyone.

"Apparently it is being taught by Cedric Diggory." Jean replied.

"Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger wouldn't happen to be in this group, would they?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"Why do you ask?" Tracy asked.

"Because a while back the pair of idiots tried to get me to lead a group that sounds exactly the same as what the young Ravenclaws are describing." Harry answered.

"So they couldn't get you and settled with Diggory?" Tracy snorted. "You think he knows that he was the second choice?"

"Probably not." Harry guessed.

"Yeah well they can do whatever they want," Astoria said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "we've got the better teacher." She grinned at Harry who grinned back.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw." Harry said as he high fived Astoria.


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