A Serpentine Surprise

Later that night, Harry slept on his mattress in the cupboard under the stairs. He made sure to sleep on his front since his back was still hurting thanks to Uncle Vernon, his uncle had not been pleased with what happened at the zoo and once everyone got home he had expressed his feelings through some heavy slaps and twenty minutes of his belt, Harry was convinced that the only reason his uncle had stopped was because he was too tired to continue.

His uncle didn't worry too much about injuring Harry, for some reason or the other, Harry was always able to heal quickly. The belt whips, painful though they might be, would probably leave no marks that would last longer than a few days. His uncle and aunt had just called it another example of his 'freakishness'.

Half an hour after Harry had fallen asleep, the house was entered by an intruder, an intruder with fangs but no legs, and it was carrying something in its mouth.


The next morning Harry had woken up, only to find an egg in his room. It wasn't a normal egg, Harry could tell because the eggs that were used for eating were smaller, this one was like three times the size of a regular egg. If that wasn't enough then the fact that it was grey was probably a good enough reason to think that something odd was happening. Harry couldn't help but wonder if this was some prank by the Dursley's.

"Get up!" He heard Aunt Petunia scream, Harry resisted the urge to growl but knew he had better get up if he didn't want more marks added to his body. He placed the egg under his pillow and stepped out of his cupboard.


After a long day of hard work Harry had been allowed back into his cupboard, Harry allowed himself to fall face first onto his mattress. He was tired from all the cleaning and work he had done around the house and in the garden, his Aunt Petunia was more vicious than usual, Harry realized that she probably blamed him for what happened to Dudley at the zoo. Harry could not see why, how was it his fault if the glass suddenly goes away, only to come back a minute later?

When Harry's head hit the pillow he heard the sound of a crack, his eyes widened as he remembered the egg that he had placed under his pillow earlier.

"Oh no!" Harry said under his breath before he got onto his knees and removed the pillow, only to find bits and pieces of a broken egg shell. Harry couldn't see any of the stuff that was inside a normal egg, so he was probably right when he thought it wasn't an eating egg. But he couldn't find anything that could have fallen out of the egg, maybe the egg was empty, was it possible for an egg to be empty?

Harry was suddenly pulled out of his thought by a hissing sound, his eyes widened as he could feel something moving up his back and resting on his shoulder. Harry gulped before looking to his left, only to see a small snake head staring at him. Harry let out a surprised noise and moved back only to bang his head off of a shelf.

"Ow!" Harry blurted out as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Keep quiet boy!" Harry heard his uncle yell. But Harry wasn't paying attention, his eyes were on the snake that had crawled down to his arm and was now resting it's head on his hand. Its body was raven colored and its eyes were an emerald green, not unlike Harry's. It was also a small snake, it's body only reaching from Harry's wrist to half-way down his forearm.

"A...a...aren't you going to bite me?" Harry whispered to the snake, the snake lifted its head and looked at him before shaking his head as if to say 'no, I will not bite you'. "Oh." Was Harry's intelligent response, any further response was cut off by the loud sounds coming from the TV. Harry knew that the Dursley's sometimes liked to put the TV volume up so to taunt Harry with the fact that he could hear but not watch what was happening.

Harry saw that the snake was shaking it's head, Harry got the feeling that it didn't like all the noise. Harry didn't really know what possessed him at that moment but he placed the snake on his lap, slowly raised both of his hands and covered the parts of the snakes head where he thought the ears were. The snake didn't bite him, instead it actually calmed down.

"Thank you." Harry heard a voice speak, the voice was a young voice, it sounded like it belonged to a five year old.

"Huh, who was that?" Harry whispered to himself.

"It was me." The voice spoke again, Harry looked around, trying to see if there was anyone else in the cupboard with him. "Down here." The voice said, Harry blinked and looked down, only to find the snake looking back at him. "Hi." It said.

"Right...how hard did I hit my head?"