The Sorting Hat

Harry and the other first years stood outside the hall, Professor McGonagall who was an elderly woman and the deputy headmistress plus transfiguration teacher, had given them a speech about how whatever house they go into would become their family.

She then left, but not before she instructed them to all wait to be called in so they could begin the sorting. Harry had asked Daphne and Tracy if they knew how people were supposed to get sorted but they both didn't know either, neither did Blaise. Apparently it was a traditional thing to not tell people until they actually get sorted.

"So it's true then," A voice said, over the rest of the talking first year. The first years all stopped talking as a blonde boy with grey eyes walked up to Harry, following behind him were two big boys who looked like gorillas and the stereotypical examples of 'all brawn and no brain'. "what they were saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." The other first years began whispering amongst each other as they watched, the boy didn't seem to notice as he continued talking. "This is Crabbe and Goyle," He gestured to the big boys behind him. "and my name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He said with a smirk

Harry was about to respond but was cut off when an amused snort was heard, everyone turned to look at the source of that snort, it happened to be none other than Ron Weasley, the redhead from before.

"Think my name is funny, do you?" Malfoy glared at him. "I don't think I need to ask yours," He sniffed as if he smelt something unpleasant, "red hair and hand me down robes, you must be a Weasley." He said, causing Ron's face to turn red in anger and embarrassment. "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others," Malfoy said to Harry, "you don't want to be making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you with that." he said as he held out a hand for Harry to shake.

"Hmm," Harry hummed thoughtfully before shaking Malfoy's hand. "I think I can tell the wrong sort of myself, but I will be willing to listen to you." Harry said.

"What?! You can't be friends with him!" Ron protested.

"I never said I was," Harry said as he let go of Malfoy's hand. "we just met, all I said was that I'd listen to his opinions."

"But he's..." Whatever Ron was going to say was cut off as Professor McGonagall arrived.

"Students, follow me." She ordered before turning on her heel and walking off, the first years following after her and into the great hall.

The great hall was eye catching to say the least, there were four big tables that stretched along most of the hall and a fifth one on top of a stage at the opposite end of the hall for the teachers to sit at. Above them dozens of lit candles floated up in the air, above those candles was what looked like the night sky.

Though Harry knew it was not actually the night sky, according to the books he read, it was simply enchanted to look like that. Harry assumed it was advanced magic but he really wanted to learn how to do that so he could apply it to his own room.

Harry had heard the bushy haired girl from before telling people about how she had read that it was an enchanted sky but he didn't really pay attention to her, he was more focused on the fact that everyone was looking at them. They were all also mostly looking at him, even if Harry wasn't the boy-who-lived he would still get attention just because of his scar.

The first years all stopped in front of the stage, while Professor McGonagall walked up the stage and stood next to a stool. Harry saw Bathsheda sitting at the table and saw her smiling at him, Harry smiled back and gave her a small nod before focusing on the sorting. On top of the stool was an ancient looking hat, one that appeared to be moving, after a few seconds it began speaking, not just speaking, it was singing.

The students and teachers all burst into applause and cheers, Harry began clapping as well but kept his movements slow as he didn't want to bother Jet who was still wrapped around his arm. Professor McGonagall picked up the hat with one hand and held a scroll in her other hand.

"When I call your name you will come up here and sit down on the stool, I will then place this hat on your head. You will be sorted into a house, and once that is done you will go and join your house. Let us begin, Hannah Abbot." Professor McGonagall called, a nervous looking girl with blonde hair slowly walked forwards and sat on the stool. The Professor placed the hat on her head.

"Hufflepuff!" The hat shouted a few seconds later, Professor McGonagall removed the hat and allowed the girl to happily walk to the Hufflepuff table.

As the sorting continued, Harry took the opportunity to look at the teachers table, he recognized Professor Babbling and Hagrid easily enough.

The other most interesting looking teacher was a man who looked the exact opposite of Hagrid in terms of height, in fact he looked no bigger than a Gringotts goblin. There were several other interesting looking teachers, including the headmaster.

The headmaster was wearing bright purple robes that had a star pattern on them, that with his hat and long white beard made him look like a typical story wizard. Another interesting teacher Harry couldn't help but notice was the black robes teacher sitting next to a Professor who was wearing a purple turban.


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