Hogwarts Bound

Harry was currently sat watching TV, he had eventually gotten around to talking with Andromeda and Ted about why they were able to have a TV and have it not be ruined by magic. Apparently they didn't have to worry about electronic equipment in a simple home with a small amount of people, taking it somewhere like Hogwarts on the other hand was an entirely different situation seeing as it had hundreds of magical creatures and people along with many non-living magical objects plus all the magic the castle and the ancient wards.

"You alright Nym?" Harry asked when Tonks came back into the house and dropped into the seat next to him on the sofa. 'Nym' was quite simply the nickname that Harry had started calling Tonks, and apparently he was the only one who was allowed to do that and not get hexed. Something which admittedly made Harry feel quite happy, he just felt much closer to Tonks now that he had his own personal nickname for her.

"I am so tired, Hare-bear." Tonks groaned as she leaned into her seat, she had not yet decided on a nickname. "Moody put me through the ringer," She sighed. "if I hear someone say 'constant vigilance' then I will hex them. I want to sleep but I am somehow too tired to sleep, how the hell do you get too tired to sleep?"

"Not a clue but me and Jet will help you." Harry said as he leaned over and grabbed Tonk's by the shoulders, he pulled her so she was now lying down on the sofa with her head on his lap. "Jet, you know what to do." Harry said to Jet who nodded.

"'Rock-a-bye Tonksie, on the treetops," Jet began singing as well as a snake could sing just as Harry began massaging Tonk's forehead. "When the wind blows, the cradle will rock, and then I think the cradle will fall? Rock-a-bye Tonksie, I've forgotten the lyrics, fucking hell! Who thought up this shit? Well...whatever, I'm going to keep singing, mostly because...when I speak you can't understand a thing'."

"Masterfully done." Harry softly hissed back.

"Hmm," Tonks softly moaned as she curled up like a cat and closed her eyes. "I can't understand a thing that he is saying but keep it up." She whispered. "And you keep doing whatever the hell that you're doing." She added to Harry before letting out a content sigh.

"Just for you, Nym." Harry smiled, "from the start, Jet." Harry added to his loyal snake friend.

It was several minutes later that Ted arrived, he found Tonk's lying on the sofa with her head on Harry's lap while Harry was reading a book with his left hand and massaging Tonk's head with his right hand while Jet was softly hissing to Tonk's who appeared to be asleep.

"Isn't this adorable?" Ted commented as he stepped in front of Harry. Harry blinked at Ted's sudden arrival and then looked between Ted and the sleeping Tonks.

"Um...she was tired." He said with a small shrug.

"No need to explain." Ted said as he reached down and gently scooped Tonk's into his arms. "I'll take her up to bed, thanks Harry." He smiled before he carried the still sleeping Tonk's upstairs.

"Jet...I really like it here." Harry admitted.

Harry and the Tonks family found themselves on platform nine and three quarters, Harry had been enjoying his summer more than he ever thought he would have but he did need to go to school.

"You have everything you need?" Ted asked, looking at Harry and Jet who was on Harry's shoulder's like usual.

"Yep," Harry said as he tapped his trunk. "triple checked everything. The only thing I don't have is Hedwig and that's just because she's flying to Hogwarts."

"I'm going to miss you, Harry." Andromeda smiled as she pulled Harry into a hug while being careful to not squash Jet, a hug that Harry returned. "You have a good year at school." She said, kissing him om the head. "You too Jet." She added to Jet once she let go of Harry.

"Do I get a hug?" Tonks grinned as she came over and pulled Harry into a hug, one which he also returned. "I'm going to miss you, little brother."

"Brother?" Harry blinked as the two let go.

"Brother or bro. I can go back to 'Hare-bear' if you want." She offered with a smirk.

"No! No...um, brother works. Thanks...sister?" Harry spoke in a tentative voice.

"You're welcome," Tonks smiled as she ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead. "now remember to write every week or I will personally storm up to the school looking for you, got it?"

"Got it," Harry grinned. "goodbye guys." Harry said before he took his trunk and got on the train. "I've got a sister." Harry happily hissed to Jet before he began walking down the train, looking for a compartment.

Eventually he found one that already had Daphne and Tracey sitting in it, "hi guy's." Harry said as he opened the door and walked in.

"Hi Harry." Both girls said just as Harry placed his trunk up on the rack above, something which was made much easier by the featherweight charm that Andromeda had placed on it.

"How was your summer?" Harry asked as he sat down.

"Mine was fine." Tracey shrugged.

"Same," Daphne nodded, "what about you? I know you said the Tonk's family was nice in your letters."

"They were great," Harry smiled broadly. "Ted is awesome, and so is Andromeda but Tonk's is my favorite. She called me her brother." Harry said happily.

"I like her too," Jet added before he looked at the girls. "hello pet, hello non-pet." He said to both girls.

"Hi Jet." Daphne smiled as she reached over and began petting Jet.

Eventually Blaise and the other Slytherin's had arrived, after a fairly long journey they found themselves sitting at the Slytherin table in Hogwarts and watching as Professor McGonagall entered the hall, followed by group of first years that followed her all the way up to the stage by the teacher's table. It was an odd experience for Harry, watching the first years get sorted and remembering how it was only last year that he was the one being watched by a school of hungry and impatient students. Soon the sorting began, Harry made sure that he politely clapped whenever a student got sorted into Slytherin. He also ignored the way that the new Slytherin's would stare at Jet.

The order of the students getting sorted was naturally done by alphabetical order of the last name, just like last year. Nothing really interesting happened, at least not until Professor McGonagall reached the letter 'L'.

"R..." She paused as she looked at the name. "Roman Lestrange." She said, the hall began whispering just as a nervous looking first year boy with black hair and brown eyes walked out from the crowd.

"Lestrange?" Harry whispered in a questioning voice to his other Slytherin first years, he of course recognized the name. Lestrange was the name of a bunch of pureblooded supporters of Voldemort, including Andromeda's sister who had married into the family. Andromeda had told Harry about what the Lestrange's did to Neville Longbottom's parent's, tortured them into insanity, that did make Harry feel bad for the boy but he wasn't going to do anything. If Longbottom didn't want to spend time with him then Harry wasn't going to force himself on the boy.

"Father told me that the boy is a bastard." Draco whispered to Harry. "Apparently, from what he has heard, the boy's mother was a muggle." Harry frowned at that and averted his attention back to the sorting.


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