Harry's Final Blow

Harry ran just as the mouth of Salazar's statue opened up, as Harry ran he looked back and saw the basilisk, it had yellow eyes and dark green scales and looked to be about fifty feet in length. Harry stopped in front of one of the snake statues just after he heard Tom order the basilisk to kill him, Harry kept his wand ready just as the basilisk came closer.

Once the basilisk got near Harry waved his wand and created a large amount of green gas around him, Harry knew that what he was about to do was a risky move but he truly hoped it would pay off.

As Harry heard the basilisk move forward he quickly ran away to avoid the basilisk, Harry heard a crash which meant that the basilisk had crashed into the statue like planned. Harry got out of the gas and saw that the basilisk's head was still in it, Harry flicked his wand and sent a small spark at the gas which caused it to ignite. The basilisk screeched in pain as it's head was covered in fire, it shook its head several times before it was able to recover, its gaze now on Harry and it looked far more pissed off than before.

"Yeah? Well fuck you too." Harry said before he aimed his wand forward and sent a bright light from his wand that temporarily blinded the basilisk's eyes.

"Put your hand in me!" The sorting hat suddenly yelled.


"Your hand in me, now!" It shouted. Harry was confused but to his credit he quickly shifted the hat into his wand hand and used his free hand to reach in. A second later Harry pulled his hand out and discovered that there was something in the hat, and that thing was a metal wrist bracelet. It was a pretty looking silver colored bracelet that took the shape of an emerald eyed snake eating its own tail. It was a pretty bracelet, the problem was that it was just a bracelet, nothing else.

"Well what bloody use is that going to be?!" Harry blurted out just before he heard the roar of the basilisk. Harry looked up and saw it roaring at him, and its head rushing towards him. "Oh shit!" Harry cursed but before he could even do anything he suddenly found aid from another source, and that source was Fawkes. The phoenix rushed forwards and dug its talons into the basilisk's eyes, painfully blinding it. "Wow, that is surprisingly violent."

Harry said just before he aimed his wand at the basilisk. Harry fired a variety of different spells at the basilisk but none seemed to have any effect as the basilisk scales were two thick. "Damn it." Harry said before he looked down at his silver colored bracelet. "What use are you?" Harry couldn't help but wonder.

The bracelet, as if responding to Harry's words, decided to go for 'show instead of tell'. The bracelet changed in front of Harry's eyes and began changing and expanding until Harry's hand and forearm was covered in the same silver colored metal.

"What the fuck?" Harry blurted out just as a silver sword with a black handle and black guard suddenly appeared in his hand. "I have so many questions." Harry breathed out before the basilisk head charged towards him, Harry sidestepped, barely avoiding it. Harry struck it on the side of the head with the sword but he might as well have struck it with an old baseball bat for all the good it did. As the basilisk raised its head it pushed Harry who fell backwards and landed hard onto the floor, Harry groaned in pain but was able to quickly recover and get to his feet.

The basilisk lunged in Harry's direction again, it was clear to Harry that it couldn't see him but the fact that it was still lunging in Harry's general direction lead him to believe that it was either relying on its sense of hearing or smell.

Harry wasn't sure when it happened, the next moment felt like a blur, but it ended with the sword going through the roof of the basilisk's mouth and into the brain. Harry would have celebrated, if not for the fact that one of the basilisk fangs had pierced through his arm, if it was a few inches lower then it would have hit the metal forearm, and if it was a bit higher then it would have hit his shoulder, but instead it had pierced through his bicep.

Harry let out a scream before he could stop himself, the fang in his arm was undoubtedly the worst pain he had ever experienced. Harry yanked the sword out of the basilisk mouth, the basilisk was still able to move but after several seconds of intense shaking it fell dead on the floor. Harry grunted in pain as he saw the basilisk fang was still stuck in his arm. Harry shook his head as he began walking in the direction of Tom and the others.

"Flora, the basilisk is dead." Harry called before he descended into violent coughing. Flora hesitantly moved out from her hiding spot behind the statue, she saw the basilisk and her eyes widened while her jaw dropped so hard and fast that she couldn't help but think that she had broken something.

"You killed it!" Tom Riddle hissed with disbelief and anger. "That is impossible!"

"Some would say the same about magic." Harry retorted before another round of coughing, Harry could tell that the venom was killing him, he would have a minute or maybe two at best before he would leave the land of the living. "Now...I'm going to deal with you."

"You think you can 'deal' with me?" Tom snorted with amusement.

"A hundred percent sure." Harry said before he stumbled and fell onto his knees, dropping his wand and sword at the same time.

"You can barely stand." Tom pointed out.

"Ninety-seven percent sure." Harry coughed as he crawled towards Tom.

"You're dying, you'll be dead within a minute." Tom reminded him.

"Eighty-nine percent sure." Harry said through gritted teeth just before he pulled the fang out. Flora got on her knees in front of him and tried to help him up, but couldn't, Jet crawled off of her shoulders and began looking at the wound from the basilisk fang.

"Ah, the faithful companion returns to his dying master." Tom laughed.

"This will hurt." Jet said in a sadden voice. Before Tom or even Harry could ask what he meant, Jet quickly bared his fangs and dug them into Harry's wound. Harry roared in pain just as he felt Jet's fangs enter his body, Flora gasped as she instinctively moved back while Tom frowned, wondering why the snake would suddenly attack its master. A few seconds later Jet removed his fangs, Harry gasped as he began breathing heavily. Despite the intense pain Harry was still able to notice how his body felt slightly better than before, as if the venom had grown weaker or had decreased.

"Perhaps your snake has realized that you are a lost cause and is simply trying to speed your death up." Tom mused.

"Shut up, you two legged cunt!" Jet hissed angrily at Tom. Tom was about to angrily respond when he was cut off by a trilling sound, a second later Fawkes flew down and landed in front of Harry.

"Oh, what now?!" Tom snapped.

"Hey Fawkes," Harry said with a tired smile. "thanks for the help, I guess. I'd normally offer you something but...dying...you know?" Harry said before he coughed violently. Fawkes let out a mournful trill before he leaned his head over Harry's wound.

"Bird, cry or I will eat you!" Jet hissed impatiently. It turns out he didn't need to as the next second tears dripped from Fawkes's eyes and onto Harry's wound. It took Harry a few seconds to realize what was going on but he was quickly able to remember that phoenixes' have tears with special healing properties.

The tears appeared to work just as advertised because a few seconds later Harry saw his wound healing, he felt the effects of the venom decrease and decrease until he eventually couldn't feel it at all. Once the tears had stopped working Harry was still left with a giant scar on his arm but decided that he already had enough of those and could afford another.

"Dumbledore's precious bird may have temporarily saved you but you will still die in this chamber!" Tom said in a hateful voice as he glared at Harry.

"Hey Tom." Harry laughed. "Do you want to know something funny?"

"What?!" Tom snapped.

"Back at a hundred percent." Harry chuckled.

"You think you can beat me?!" Tom snarled.

"I know I can, you told me how to." Harry laughed as he crawled over to Roman.


"You talk too much," Harry said as he took the diary out of Roman's hand and picked up the basilisk fang. "you might want to work on that." Harry suggested before he placed the diary on the floor and raised the basilisk fang.

"No!" Tom cried, he was about to take a step forward but was unable to stop Harry. Tom cried out in pain as the basilisk fang pierced through the diary, Harry put in as much force as he could. Tom continued to scream in pain until a white light began pouring out of him, the light glowed brighter and brighter until eventually Tom burst, disappearing into the air.

Harry let out a sigh as he allowed himself to fall onto his butt, it was only Flora's help that stopped him from falling onto his back. Harry looked in the direction of the sword, he watched as it suddenly disappeared from view, Harry frowned and looked down at his arm in time to see the metal disappear from his hand and forearm, returning to just a bracelet.

"Whoa." Flora breathed, she was about to say more when Roman suddenly snapped awake and quickly sat up. His eye wide as he began frantically looking around, it was an odd sight waking up to the fact that he was in a giant room with a dead basilisk, two unconscious year mates, one conscious year mate and Harry bloody Potter.

"Fucking hell!" Roman blurted out.

"Yeah...appropriate reaction." Harry said as he allowed himself to lie back on the ground.


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