Harry's First Roar

"Okay Harry," Ted said later that day as Harry and the others - with the exception of Andromeda who was cooking in the kitchen - sat around the table a few minutes before dinner, Ted had the animagus book out and was reading from it. "the books says that we are supposed to keep the potion in a 'dark, undisturbed place until the next lightning storm.' we have already done that, it's in the basement, so that should be fine. The potion is supposed to turn 'blood-red' at the at first lightning strike. When that happens you quickly say the incantation and grab the potion and drink it, the book advises being out of sight and somewhere with a lot of room, so the basement again. I've cleared it all out so you will have plenty of space."

"This won't hurt Harry, will it?" Tonks frowned as she spoke in a worried tone as she wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulders.

"Will it?" Jet asked in a worried voice from his place on the table.

"Well a little bit," Ted frowned as he looked at the book. "according to the book he will 'feel fiery pain and an intense double heartbeat.' The pain will only be temporary."

"Well...that's at least better than permanent." Harry said in a dry voice.

"Yep." Ted nodded. "Alright, it also says that 'the shape of the creature that you will turn into will appear in your mind'. The instructions then warn: 'You must show no fear/ It is too late now, to escape the change you have willed'. That sounds fun. Anyway, then you will transform, it says that when you want to transform back then you need to visualize yourself in human form."

"Could I visualize myself with a buff Arnold Schwarzenegger body?" Harry asked with an eyebrow raise.

"Only if you want it to go wrong." Andromeda said as she brought the food over and began placing it on the table.

"What she said," Ted nodded. "now the book says that 'with practice, you will be able to slip in and out of your animal form at will, simply by visualizing the creature. When you first transform, try to avoid panicking otherwise the animal mind 'may gain the ascendancy' and you could do something stupid or dangerous.' Got it Harry?"

"Got it." Harry nodded.

"That's enough of that." Andromeda said as she took the book away from Ted. "We will start eating, we can continue this discussion after dinner."

"You won't hear me passing up the opportunity to eat your food." Harry smiled at Andromeda who gladly returned it.

"It's nice, though it does get boring after a while." Tonks replied.

"Blasphemy!" Harry all but yelled.

"Thank you for defending my food, Harry." Andromeda chuckled before she adopted a serious look on her face. "Harry, if you choose to not become an animagus then none of us will think any less of you. You can still back out if you want."

"I appreciate that but I want to do this." Harry replied.

"If you're sure." Andromeda said after a moment.

"Any guesses on what you're going to be?" Ted asked.

"A predator of some kind would be my guess." Harry answered, he really couldn't see himself as a 'prey animal'. "But from what I understand I don't really get to choose, it will depend on multiple factors such as my personality, body, mind, magic and so on."

"Yeah," Tonks nodded. "just remember to keep your clothes on, we don't want you to lose them when you transform." Tonks grinned.

"I wouldn't lose them." Harry snorted.

"I bet a galleon that you would."


The next day the three Tonks family members waited in the hallway that lead to the basement, currently Harry was down in the basement and was drinking the potion for his transformation. Jet was not allowed to be down there so he was currently sat on Andromeda's shoulders.

"I wonder what it tastes like." Tonks mused out loud. "The potion," She added in the form of an explanation when her parents looked at her. "what do you think it tastes like?" She asked.

"I don't know," Ted replied. "hmm, maybe it tastes like..."

"Merlin's bloody hairy, underused nut-sack!" The group heard Harry yell from the basement.

"Huh?" The family collectively blinked.

"This shit tastes horrible! Fucking hell!" Harry's voice cursed.

"Is he okay?" Andromeda asked in a worried voice.

"I'm sure he's fine." Ted said in a reassuring tone.

"Son of a gum chewing funk monster!" Harry's voice echoed from the basement.

"You still sure?" Tonks asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh...there's the fiery pain! There is the fiery pain! Fuck!"

"Not as much as I was before." Ted admitted with a sigh. The three did not say anything, but instead waited for the next batch of curses from Harry but they didn't come.

"Is he okay?" Tonks asked again after several minutes of silence.

"I don't..." Whatever Andromeda was about to say was cut off by the sound of a large roar from the basement.

"O...kay," Tonks gulped. "big animal...big animal it is."

"What do you think it is?" Andromeda asked, "will I have to clean fur now?"

"Umm...I'm not an animal expert," Ted admitted just before another roar was heard. "uh...a bear...a lion...I don't really know." Before anyone could respond another roar was heard, this one being much louder than before.

"That was a big one." Andromeda said in a quiet voice, the three continued listening but a whole minute passed without any noise at all.

"Harry?" Tonks softly called. There was no answer, several long and drawn out moments passed without a single response. "What if something has happened to him?" Tonks asked her parents in a worried voice. Any further response was cut off by the next sound to come out of the basement.

"Still alive." Harry's voice called. Tonks practically ripped the door off of its hinges and ran down to the basement with her parents following after her, she opened the basement door just as her parents stopped behind her. The three Tonks family members looked into the basement to see Harry kneeling in the center of the room, panting and breathing heavily as sweat poured down his forehead. "hey...I kept my clothes." Harry grinned, glad he didn't end up naked or something. "Tonks, you owe me a galleon." Harry said as he stood up. Any further response from Harry was cut off as Tonks quickly ran over and pulled him into a hug with Andromeda and Ted not far behind.

"They were worried about you." Jet hissed as he transferred himself onto Harry's shoulders.

"Are you alright?" Ted asked once they let go of him.

"Great, I'm great." Harry smiled. "I feel fine and...I'm hungry. I'm really hungry."

"Oh...um...what do you want to eat?" Andromeda asked.

"I want...chicken...or lamb...or ham...or..."

"Carnivore." Ted said before Harry could continue. "Andy, get our meat eater something to eat please."

"Right...I'll get on that," Andromeda frowned before looking at Harry. "are you sure that you're okay?" She asked.

"Never better." Harry smiled and leaned up before kissing her cheek. "That's a lie, I'd be better with more food."

"Coming up," Andromeda said with an amused laugh as she kissed his forehead before hurrying upstairs. "look after him." She called to the other two as she left.

"So...what's your animal?" Tonks asked with a grin.

"Um...I am not quite sure." Harry admitted as he rubbed the back of his head.

"How can you not be sure?"

"Well...at first I thought it was a simple animal but then it changed...and then it changed again...and then it changed again." Harry said in a confused voice.

"Could be a magical animal." Ted guessed.

"Really?" Tonks asked with a look of surprise on her face.

"It's been heavily debated if it is possible but most people agree it's possible to have a magical creature for a form." Ted replied. "I've got a book on magical creatures upstairs, we can try that out."

"Let's do that...but first...your wife's delicious food." Harry said as he rubbed his hands together and walked past them and hurried to the kitchen.

"Will he be alright?" Tonks whispered to Ted.

"He should be," Ted nodded. "it's not uncommon for an animagus to act like their animal form after their first transformation. Just got to give him a few days and he should be back to normal..." Ted said just before a crash was heard.

"Sorry!" Harry's voice called. "That was a...a not on purpose. A not on purpose."



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