The Fallout of Potter's Encounter

"They did," Professor McGonagall nodded. "the boy is even better than his father when it comes to my class, but that is not where my concern lies."

"Then where does it?"

"With Severus."

"Minerva, I..."

"Albus! For Merlin's sake! Listen to me!" She snapped, slamming her hand on his desk, causing him to jump in his seat. Professor McGonagall took several calming breaths before she spoke. "Mr Potter, when I was taking him to Poppy, had asked me what Severus's problem with him was. I asked him why he was asking me this and he responded by saying that he had always known that Severus did not like him and he feels that if he was not a Slytherin then it would be very likely for Severus to openly hate him. He also claims that Severus gets angry quickly while around him and that Severus has been making 'subtle comments' towards or about him.

I tried to explain that Severus and James hated each other, I left as much details as I could as I knew it was not my place to say so, but I did give him the general idea of the situation. Do you know what he said to me once I had finished explaining? His exact words were 'that is unbelievably stupid'."

"What?" Albus asked, sounding confused.

"Mr Potter pointed out that he and Mr Weasley do not get along," Professor McGonagall began explaining. "he also pointed out that Mr Weasley has a sister in Slytherin and if Harry wanted to then he'd easily be able to torment her to get back at Mr Weasley. And if that was not enough then he pointed out that he was also living with people that he knew to be related to Sirius Black but he didn't judge Miss Weasley or the Tonks family on who they were related to. He argued that if he at the age of thirteen could do that then Professor Snape who is in his thirties had no excuse. And I am in complete agreement with Mr Potter. I know that I am not the only staff member who is bothered by Severus's behavior." She said.

Dumbledore did not respond, he instead remained silent. He knew that Severus still had some difficulties in seeing Harry Potter as something other than James Potter's son but he didn't really know that it was this bad.

"Albus, should I tell you what the boy said after that?" She asked, she began speaking before he could answer. "This is what he said to me, word for word. He said 'he' and he was referring to Severus in case it wasn't obvious to you, 'dislikes me because he dislikes my father, my father who is currently six feet underground and has been dead for years. Need I remind you that Professor Snape is a man who teaches at what many consider to be the premier school of magic, he should be professional enough to bury his grudge with my father's dead body instead of continuing it by going after the son who doesn't even remember the man. For the last few years I have behaved as well as I can, brought in a lot of points for Slytherin, have helped win the school quidditch cup twice so far and have exceled in all of my classes. I don't deserve to be judged because of the actions of someone else, especially a dead man who I was never responsible for unless you are all of the belief that it was irresponsible for me to stop it despite not being born. All I am asking for is professional behavior and to be made aware if that is not possible so I can look into other arrangements for my potions studies.' That was what he said! The boy-who-lived! Son of two of the best students of Hogwarts and the boy who is the best student in his year!" She paused, allowing Dumbledore a few seconds to process what he had been told. "I know that you've made allowances for Severus, because you believe that he loved Lily. But personally I doubt that."

"Minerva," Dumbledore gasped, sure there were many reasons to doubt Severus but he had never thought that anyone who knew him could doubt the love that Severus had for Lily. "he loved her."

"Albus, there is a world of difference between love and obsession!" She replied. "Do not let your hopes, beliefs and feelings blind you to what he is. If he truly loved her then his hatred of James Potter would of taken a back seat and he would do everything in his power to make life better for the boy who Lily Potter loved more than anything in the world. If she was alive I doubt he'd be able to so much as sneer at the boy without consequences."

Dumbledore thought on her words, Professor McGonagall remained quiet so Dumbledore could have a few moments to think. After a minute of tense silence he let out a deep sigh, he looked at her while looking every bit his age.

"I will talk with Severus." He said in a quiet and tired voice.

Harry had finished with his breakfast and told the other Slytherin's that he wanted to quickly run to the common room and get his books, so after picking up Jet who wrapped around Harry's left hand, Harry walked towards the entrance of the hall, just as Ronald Weasley entered.

"Watch it, Potter." Ron Weasley said as he shoved Harry's right shoulder as he walked past, causing Harry to stop.

"My mistake, I'm not sure how I missed your fat ass." Harry said, rolling his eyes. He was about to walk away but Ron suddenly stopped and turned around, he glared at Harry.

"Did you say I have a fat ass?" Ron demanded.

"With the amount of food you eat, are you really surprised?" Harry snorted.

"I don't know why you'd call me fat ass when you're the one who is living with the fat ass slut." Ron said, a smirk appearing on his face.

"What?" Harry froze, his head tilted as he looked at Ron with a blank expression.

"My brothers told me all about that girl you're living with, her name is Nymphadora, isn't it?" Ron grinned. "They told me how she's a slut who would sleep with everyone, how much do you think I would have to pay for it? Bet it wouldn't even be more than five sickles." He said, his grin getting wider.

Harry looked at Ron for several long seconds, Ron's smile faltered under the intense gaze of Harry's burning emerald eyes.

"Kill him!" Jet yelled.

"Good idea." Harry hissed before his wand appeared in his hand.

"Albus," Professor McGonagall said as she rushed into Professor Dumbledore's office. "we have a problem."

Minerva, what is the matter?" Dumbledore asked, quickly realizing that it was most likely a very serious matter if the way his deputy looked was any indication.

"Harry Potter has put Mr Weasley into the hospital wing again, and he is also using his position as Lord Potter and is demanding to speak to Arthur Weasley." She answered.

Dumbledore looked at her for several long moments, he removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes, after a few seconds of that he slammed his forehead on his desk hard, not once or twice, but three times. Once that was done he sat up and put his glasses on.

"Let's get to the hospital wing, shall we?" He asked with a small smile.


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