Feline Favors and Family Plans

"Good morning," Andromeda said when she came downstairs and saw her daughter and husband sitting on the sofa and watching TV. "hmm, where is Harry? Is he not up yet?" She asked.

"Oh, he's right here, Mum." Tonks said as she gestured to her lap. Andromeda walked closer and saw Harry in his cat form, he was curled up on Tonks's lap as the pink haired auror stroked his back. It was at that point that she noticed Jet was sitting in-between Ted and Nymphadora. Jet looked up when he noticed Andromeda, he let out a small hiss before he moved and placed himself on Ted's lap. He looked at Andromeda before gesturing to the now empty spot with his head.

"Thank you, Jet." Andromeda smiled. "Let me just make myself some breakfast and I'll be right back." She told him before she made her way to the kitchen.

"Intelligent and polite," Ted chuckled as he slowly raised a hand and gently began petting Jet. "you're a good snake." He told Jet.

"Thank you, you're a satisfactory human." Jet responded.

Both Ted and Tonks looked at Harry when they heard him make an amused noise.

"Harry," Harry looked up from his book when he heard Andromeda's voice calling him. "your school results are here."

"Coming!" Harry called before he turned to Jet. "Do you think I did good?" Harry asked.

"People keep telling you that you're the best in your year, what do you think?" Jet responded, if he could raise an eyebrow then he would have.

"Fair enough." Harry said before putting the book down and picking Jet up, Harry placed Jet on his shoulders before he walked downstairs. Once he got down he enter the living room where he found Andromeda face palming while Tonks tried in vain to reach for the letter that the taller Ted was holding up and out of her reach.

"Give me, give me, give me, give me." Tonks chanted as she tried to reach for it.

"Dora," Ted sighed. "Harry has to be the one to open it."

"He wouldn't mind if I opened it for him." Tonks pouted.

"I really wouldn't." Harry said as he entered, Ted lowered his hand and Tonks quickly snatched it.

"Got it!" She grinned, she grabbed Harry and sat him down on the sofa before sitting next to him. "Okay, let's see." She said as she opened the letter and pulled out a sheet of paper. "Let's see, outstanding on charms and transfigurations...and potions...and runes...and arithmancy...and care of magical creature...and...just about everything apart from astronomy, damn it Harry, you're making me look bad."

"I make everyone look bad." Harry said with a small shrug and grin.

"Your worst grade is an exceeds expectation," Ted noted as he and Andromeda looked over their shoulders at a letter. "that's really impressive." He said, in the grade system for Hogwarts, an 'O' AKA 'outstanding' was the highest level of grades one could get, with 'exceeds expectations' AKA 'E' as the second highest.

"Yeah, well I..." Harry paused when he picked up the envelope. "there's something else in here." Harry noticed, he pulled whatever it was out and his eyes widened when he saw a badge.

"Quidditch captain?" Andromeda gasped. "Oh, well done Harry." She said, smiling brightly. "I'm so proud of you."

"Now, you're just showing off." Tonks laughed as she playfully shoved him.

"A little bit." Harry chuckled as he looked at the badge. "Bloody hell, a captain."

"Well, it looks like we're celebrating tonight," Ted said as he got up and walked over to the home phone. "what pizza's do you guys want?" He asked. Before anyone could answer, a black owl flew in with a letter attached to its leg.

"Thank you, owl." Tonks said as she took the letter. "Oh, it's from Sirius." She said before she opened it. Hey eyes widened as she read it. "Oh," She breathed out once she had finished. "um...does anyone want to go to the world cup?" She asked as she looked around.

"What?" Harry blinked.

"Football world cup?" Ted asked in an oddly hopeful voice.

"Dad, nobody here likes football." Tonks told him with a roll of her eyes

"That's not true." Ted protested.

"It's boring." Andromeda said in an apologetic voice.

"I prefer quidditch." Harry said, also apologetic.

"Football sucks." Jet told him.

"Anyway," Tonks continued before Ted could respond. "Sirius got some tickets to the quidditch world cup, he wants to know if we all want to go."

"Those tickets must have been expensive." Andromeda frowned, worrying about if Sirius had just decided to spend a lot of money on tickets. If he had then she would be more than willing to bet that Arcturus would give him an earful about it.

"He got them for free." Tonks said as Harry leaned over and looked at the letter.

"The ministry gave it to him for free." Harry told Andromeda. "They're basically trying to suck up to him to make up for the...you know...years of wrongful imprisonment in a prison full of soul sucking demons. So...we're going...right?" Harry asked, looking hopeful.

"We kind of have to," Tonks said as she looked at her parents while wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulder. "I mean...he's a quidditch captain now...he needs to learn." She said, matching Harry's hopeful look.

"I...stop looking at me like that...please." Andromeda sighed.

"Do it." Tonks whispered to Harry who nodded before turning into his cat form. He was picked up by Tonks who faced him towards Andromeda. "Please." She said with pouty lips as Harry gave her a cute and wide eyed look.

"Well, that's just not fair." Andromeda protested. "Fine," She sighed as she picked up Harry and hugged him. "we can go." She said, rocking back and forth.

"...Shall I still order that pizza?" Ted asked.

"So, how are we getting there?" Harry asked on the day of the quidditch world cup. He and everyone had gotten ready and they were now ready to leave. He was wearing black trainers, black jeans, a white shirt and a black jacket, 'you look dashing' Andromeda had told him.

"We're going to side-apparate you since you're too young to do it." Ted told him.

"I probably could do it myself if any of you guys taught me." Harry pointed out.

"Probably but you're legally too young to learn it and there is no way in hell am I going to let you try that at your age." Andromeda told him.

"Alright, grab on Harry." Tonks told him, holding out an arm.

Harry grabbed her hand, a second later Harry experienced the Tonks version of apparition, he had been side-alonged before so he wasn't that bothered by the experience, he and Tonks landed on a grassy field just seconds before Andromeda and Ted arrived.

"You both okay?" Ted asked.

"Still alive." Harry answered.

"Don't sound so surprised." Tonks said with a roll of her violet eyes.


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