Family Gatherings and Unwelcome Revelations

"Harry!" Draco smiled when he saw Harry, he was either unaware of or simply ignoring the tension in the air.

"Draco," Harry nodded and shook Draco's hand as he gave him a small smile. "ah, and here is your lovely mother." Harry smiled at the woman he knew to be Narcissa Malfoy. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Malfoy." Harry said as he took her hand in his and planted a small kiss on her knuckles.

"Mr Potter," She nodded to him before she looked around and paused when she noticed her sister, she went stiff for a second before she spoke. "Andromeda." She said in a neutral tone.

"Cissy," Andromeda replied, her tone neutral as well, despite using her special nickname for her sister. "how are you?" She asked in a conversational tone.

"I'm quite well, and yourself?" She asked, matching her tone.

"I'm excellent," Andromeda nodded, "I'm quite happy with my family, especially since Harry has entered our lives. I understand he is good friends with your son." She said, before the two women fell into silence. Everyone around them didn't really know what to say, that was until Harry interrupted the silence.

"So Lucius, how are you?" Harry asked with a grin as he looked up at Lucius Malfoy.

"Just fine, Mr Potter." Lucius said through gritted teeth, his grip on his cane tightening since at this point he was imagining that it was Harry's neck in his hands.

"Excellent, I must say I did enjoy our last talk, hopefully we can spare time in the future for another discussion." Harry said with a smile, looking as close as he could to an innocent angel.

"Perhaps." Lucius said with a tight and forced smile. Narcissa looked away from her staring contest with her sister, she glanced at Lucius before sending a curious look towards Harry.

"Wait, what are the Weasley's doing here?" Draco sniffed when he finally noticed the Weasley family.

"They're my guests." A voice said as a new man entered the room. He was a blue-eyed, blond man with rosy skin and a bit of a round belly.

"And you would be?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm Ludo Bagman," The man grinned. "I'm doing the commentating for the match, I'm a former quidditch player as well. I was a Beater for the Wimbourne Wasps. I invited old Arthur and his family cause I owed him a favour." Draco and Harry exchanged looks, both had the 'can you believe this shit?' look on their face. "Oh and I of course know who you are, Mr Potter." He said with a happy smile.

"Really?" Harry drawled. "How lovely."

"It is," Ludo agreed, clearly not understanding the sarcastic tone that Harry was using. "oh, I got to talk to the Minister, back in a tic." He said before he walked off.

Harry shook his head at the man's excitable attitude, Harry looked towards the Tonks family and saw they were all sat down at the seats at the front of the box. Tonks was looking irritated and a moment later Harry realised why when he saw Charlie Weasley had moved seats and was now sat next to her. Harry could see that Ted and Andromeda weren't looking happy and looked like they were barely stopping themselves from making a scene, they looked close to their breaking point.

Fortunately Harry didn't really care about making a scene, so he walked right over to where they were sitting.

"You're looking very nice." Harry heard Charlie say to Tonks.

"Oh, so now I look nice enough for you?" Tonks snorted, crossing her arms and looking in any direction where Charlie wasn't.

"Oh come on babe, I..."

"Don't call me 'babe'!" Tonks hissed as she did finally look at him.


"Hello," Harry interrupted whatever Charlie was about to say as he stopped in front of the red head. "are you by any chance related to the Weasley's?" Harry asked, despite knowing the answer.

"Uh...yeah,'re Harry Potter, aren't you?" Charlie asked as he looked at him.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr..." Harry trailed off and gave him a questioning look as he held a hand out.

"My name's Charlie." Charlie told him as he shook Harry's hand, he tried to let go after a second or two but Harry didn't let go. Harry didn't bother trying to squeeze or anything since Charlie was a lot more muscular than Harry was.

"Charlie, really?" Harry asked with an evil grin as he leaned forwards, Jet leaned forwards as well, hissing louder than usual. "Oh, I remember who you are now." Harry said as he licked his lips. "You're the one who told your little brother, Ronald, that my sister was a...oh what was it now...oh told him that she was...'a slut that would sleep with anyone'." Harry finished, the smile vanishing from his face. His expression combined with Jet's hissing made him look positively evil, the fact that everyone in the box was now staring at the two made things even worse.


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