Harry's Perilous Trial

Harry sighed as he reached in, he pulled out the model and looked at it. The creature in his hand had the head of a human, the body of a lion, and the tail of a scorpion, except the tail's size matched the body it belonged to. Harry's eyes widened as he realised he had just picked a manticore, even the other champions looked at him with shock. A manticore's skin repelled all known charms, so it was extremely difficult to subdue a Manticore with magic. It was known to be capable of human speech, and was considered a sentient beast, despite that it was extremely violent and dangerous. And only the bravest - or if we're being honest, stupidest - wizards and witches would ever willingly go against one. Harry really couldn't believe that they were part of this tournament.

"Are you shitting me?" Harry breathed as he looked at Percy.

"You can just not complete the task." Percy shrugged. That's what he would do, he might have been a Gryffindor at school but there was no way in hell that he would ever fight a manticore, not even at his bravest.

Some would call it brave, others would call it stupid, but Harry did later go out to complete the task. Harry wasn't just representing himself in this tournament, it didn't matter if he wanted to enter or not, he was now representing his family, both of his families and Harry would be dammed if he quit even one of his tasks because he was sacred. This time when Harry entered he couldn't help but notice the shields around the stadium to protect the crowd, were they just put in recently or were they always there and Harry simply didn't notice? He wasn't sure but dismissed that train of thought to remind himself how stupid he was to willingly enter into a stadium with a manticore.

"Mum, Dad, I blame this stupidity on the Gryffindor genes you gave me." Harry said under his breath.

Harry rolled his shoulders as his wand came into his hand when a door on the other side of the stadium opened, the crowd gasped when they saw a manticore strut out from the door. The manticore looked around, it may have had the face of a human but its teeth were not teeth that belonged to a humans mouth, they were all razor sharp and about as pointy as a dagger. The manticore stopped looking around when it saw Harry.

"And look," The manticore spoke in a soft voice, everyone hearing what it said thanks to the mirrors and the fact that nobody was willing to make a noise in case they miss something or attract the attention of the manticore. "prey walks willingly into my hunting ground."

"I'm not the prey, mate." Harry said after taking a small breath. "I don't want to fight you."

"I imagine you wouldn't." The manticore growled as he licked his lips.

Over in the judges seats, Ludo was face to face with Arcturus Black, the reason behind that was because Arcturus had grabbed him by the collar of his robes with one hand and pulled the former beater so close that they were only a short distance away from kissing, not that Ludo would have done that. One reason was because he was into women, thank you very much, the second reason was because he knew that if he kissed Lord Black then he'd probably lose his lips or his life...most likely both.

"What...in...the...everlasting...fuck...were you thinking when you put MY heir in a stadium with a fucking manticore?" Arcturus asked in a deceptively calm voice, his voice might have been calm but his face made it clear that he was a very short amount of restraint away from killing Ludo right there and then.

"I...I...it...come on..." Ludo stuttered, suddenly finding it very difficult to breath. "the...tournaments all...all about entertaining the p...people...and...a...and I...just thought that..."

"Shut your mouth." Lord Black cut him off, having grown tired of him. "I want you to listen to me, and listen very carefully. Before this tournament is done I want you to get all of your affairs in order, don't try and escape the country because I will find you and that will just piss me off even more. When this tournament is done, the first thing I am going to do is sue you so hard and so bad that any remaining family members you have will not even be able to afford the paper bag that I'm going to put your ashes in." He growled as he let go of Ludo who fell into his seat, the other judges didn't say anything but they did look at Ludo who was looking like he had just been kissed by a dementor.

Karkaroff and Madam Maxime nervously shifted away, mentally noting to not get on Lord Black's bad side. Dumbledore gave Ludo a pitying look before he turned his attention back to the stadium. 'Why on Earth do people keep insisting on messing with the Blacks and Potters?' Dumbledore mentally thought.

"I don't want to hurt you." Harry said, wand ready in his hand.

"Hurt me?" The manticore scoffed. "You're an amusing little two-legs, much better than the last ones I've met. They're all 'oh contain it!', 'get away!' and 'look out Mike!', oh and we mustn't forget 'Oh no, he's got Mike!'. Tell me, little human, do you believe you pose a challenge to me?"

"I'm very stubborn." Harry warned him.

"Let's test that." The manticore growled before he charged towards Harry, roaring as he headed towards Harry with frightening speed.


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