"Mr Krum," Percy spoke. "unlike Miss Delacour you managed to beat your third opponent, even if you were unable to compete after that. You gained ten points for your first key, twenty for your second and thirty for your third. In the first task you have gained six points from Mr Bagman, Lord Black and Minister Fudge. The others three judges gave you a seven, meaning thirty-nine points for the first opponent. For your next opponent you've gained five from Lord Black, seven from your headmaster along with Professor Dumbledore, six from Minister Fudge, Mr Bagman and Madam Maxime, leaving you with thirty-seven. Your final opponent earned you thirty-two points as everyone gave you five apart from Mr Bagman and Karkaroff who both gave you six. Adding your points from the three tasks together, and then adding the points from the keys to the total," Percy glared at Malfoy and the other Slytherin's as he said this. "leaves you with a total of a hundred and sixty-eight." Percy said before he turned to Harry.
"Well? How did I do?" Harry asked.
"You gained ten points for your first key, twenty and thirty more for your other two keys." Percy replied.
"Sixty points," Harry nodded. "continue." Harry said, remembering that the final key wasn't supposed to get him any extra points.
"Yes, for the first task you received seven points from Lord Black and eight's from the other judges." Percy replied.
"Forty-seven." Malfoy said in an impressed voice.
"For your second task you received an eight from Lord Black and nine's from everyone else." Percy spoke.
"Fifty-three." Malfoy mock-whispered.
"For your third opponent you received a six from Lord Black, an eight from Headmaster Karkaroff and Minister Fudge, and a nine from the others."
"Stop that!" Percy snapped at him before he turned back to Harry. "For your final task you received a four from Lord Karkaroff and Minister Fudge, a five from Madam Maxime and Mr Bagman, a six from Lord Black and a ten from Professor Dumbledore." He said. "Leaving you with thirty-four." He quickly added before anyone else could say anything else. Harry briefly wondered why his score for that task was lower than the others, the only conclusion he could come up with was that it wasn't as entertaining since he hadn't actually fought anything. "Adding all of your numbers together gives you two hundred and forty-three. Leaving you in the lead, Mr Potter. For the other champions, it is still possible for you to win the tournament, so make sure to bring your best for the next task."
"Cool, now what about whatever clue I was supposed to get for winning the task?" Harry asked.
"Ah, it's um...it's actually not just you." Percy said as he clicked his fingers and four golden eggs appeared in front of him, the eggs each had a key hole in the side. Everyone knew that the eggs were brought here by house-elves since Percy most definitely did not have the power to bring them here with a click of his fingers. Harry couldn't help but notice that three of the eggs had keys in them. "If three or more champions were unable to complete this task then every champion would unlock the clue to the next task." Percy quietly added
"Are you kidding me?!" Harry blurted out, the angry look on his face was also on the other Slytherin's. Even the other champions, who were glad to be given the clue, thought that that was unfair for Harry. "So I didn't even have to bother with the fourth opponent?! Not that I'm complaining about you." Harry added the last part to the baby thunderbird before he turned back to Percy. "Which brainless moron had that idea?" Harry added in a quieter voice, remembering that he had a baby thunderbird right next to him.
"B...Bagman." Percy coughed.
"I'm going to kill him." Harry growled out as he tried to stand up, only to be pushed back into his bed by Madam Pomfrey.
"You will not, you need to stay and recover." She told him in a firm voice. Harry was about to argue but stopped as a thoughtful look came onto his face.
"You're right," Harry said with a smile. "I should wait till I'm at full strength and then I can properly hurt him for much longer."
"Harry, I...I don't think that was what she meant." Tracey replied, though Harry might not have heard if the widening smile on his face was any indication.
"It's fine, dear." Madam Pomfrey waved her off. "This is the best we'll get." She said as she gestured to Harry.
The next day Harry walked into the great hall for breakfast with his other Slytherin friends, his foot was pretty much healed along with the rest of his body but Madam Pomfrey had made him promise that he'd take it easy the next few days. As Harry made his way to his seat he couldn't help but notice that every student in the hall, along with many of the teachers, were looking at him.
Now that might have been because of the fact that he had Jet wrapped around his arm and a thunderbird chick on his shoulder, or possibly because he killed three magical creatures yesterday, including two that would usually take a lot of wizards just to knock them out. But at this point Harry was too tired to care. As he sat down with his friends, breakfast appeared soon, including a plate of meat for Jet and a small bowl of food for Harry's new bird.
Harry leaned down so the bird could hop onto the table, it waddled over to the bowl and dipped its head in before it started eating. After they were done eating, the mail arrived, Harry got an addition of the daily prophet via Hedwig. When Hedwig landed Harry had gifted her a piece of bacon that he had been saving for her. She happily ate it before looking at the new thunderbird with confusion.
"Ah, Hedwig," Harry said as he placed his hand on her back and began stroking her. "this is the latest addition of our family, and he needs a smart and intelligent avian role model. I was hoping you could help teach him how to fly."
"Hoot." Hedwig leaned down so she could take a better look at the thunderbird. The thunderbird looked up and trilled happily when it saw Hedwig, Hedwig twisted her head to the side before straightening it. She stared at the younger bird for several seconds before she let out another hoot before she leaned down and gently rubbed her head against the thunderbirds head.
"Aw, that's cute." Tracey smiled.
"Yes, yes it is." Jet agreed. "Almost as cute as me."
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