"An excellent name." Dumbledore said with a smile.
"That is actually what we have come to discuss." The Ministry man said, "Mr Potter, my name is Brad Layfield, I am from the department of magical creatures. Now, a lot of concerns were raised about this young thunderbird. Now, thunderbirds are classified as 'XXXX' by the Ministry of Magic. These creatures are dangerous, require special knowledge, and only trained wizards should handle them. This can also classify creatures that are endangered or just too difficult to capture, rather than being dangerous. Are you with me so far?" He asked.
"Yes sir," Harry said with a small nod. "basically the Ministry is concerned about me looking after Thor."
"Indeed," Mr Layfield nodded. "you already have a snake for a familiar which would be fine as some muggles do have snakes for pets and you could act like a normal snake owner. But your thunderbird would easily stand out, and not just because of how many wings it has. Firstly we'd like to make sure that young 'Thor' is indeed your familiar." He said before he pulled out his wand. "I'm sure you're familiar with the spell to check the familiar bond."
"I've only had it used on me twice." Harry replied. "Third time's a charm hopefully." Harry said with a grin.
"Hopefully." My Layfield said with a small smile, he performed the spell on Harry and Thor. "Hmm, you do indeed have a familiar bond with Thor."
"Great," Harry smiled briefly before he looked at Layfield with a blank look on his face. "I truly do hope that you're not stupid enough to try and take him away from me."
"No, Mr Potter." Mr Layfield shook his head. "I am not here to try and singlehandedly take a thunderbird of all things away from the fourteen year old who managed to kill three powerful and dangerous magical creatures on his own. Besides, Professor Dumbledore's phoenix is in the same classification as your thunderbird and nobody's tried to take it away from him. I have come here to give you this." He said as he pulled out a booklet and handed it to Harry. "In this is a list of rules that you must follow in regards to your familiar, along with a few helpful spells to assist you in living an everyday life with your familiar, for example in there is a spell to disguise him as a regular bird. There will also be someone who will contact you in the future to discuss building a habitat for Thor. Now, do you have any questions?" He asked.
"Not at the moment." Harry responded.
"Well, my contact details are in there if you have any questions in the future."
"And you may of course come to me if you have any questions." Professor Dumbledore added.
"Thank you, both of you." Harry said, nodding to each man.
"You're more than welcome, Mr Potter." Mr Layfield smiled. "I will be off now, work must be done of course. I also know that when I get home my children will want to know all about how I met the great Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter." He chuckled before he said his goodbyes then left the room through the floo network.
"And is everything truly okay, Mr Potter?" Professor Dumbledore asked once they were alone.
"It is, sir." Harry nodded just as Fawkes flew into the room and landed on his perch. Thor looked up at the large red bird in front of him, he tilted his head as he looked at the large bird that was so different from himself yet wasn't like those other birds that he had seen so far. Thor jumped off of Harry's shoulders and flapped towards Fawkes and landed next to him on his perch. The bird looked up at Fawkes, looking almost disbelieving at how big Fawkes was, apparently Thor didn't know how big he would get.
The two birds trilled at each other, Dumbledore and Harry exchanged questioning glances, neither of them could fully understand what was happening but neither bird seemed to be aggressive so they allowed it to continue. Eventually Fawkes leaned down and gently rubbed his head against Thor's.
"Hmm, it appears to me that Fawkes has made a new friend." Dumbledore said with a smile and twinkling eyes.
"Apparently so." An amused Harry said. "Now, as much as I would love to stay, I do need to go, I have homework I need to complete."
"Of course," Dumbledore nodded. "are you hoping to maintain your position as top student of your year?"
"That's just a bonus for me sir." Harry shrugged. "I don't prioritize grades."
"Then what do you prioritize?" Dumbledore asked in a curious voice
"Greatness." Harry smiled before he turned to Thor. "Come on, Thor." Harry called, Thor let out a small trill before he shook his head. "You can play with Fawkes later. Come on or I'll give Jet all of your food."
"Don't think I won't eat it." Jet added.
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