"That bad?" Halo asked even when she knew the answer already. The neighborhood that they lived in was the reason that it was that bad and with the authorities doing nothing about it, it was going to get worse.

"You'd think them kids would just be content with just smoking weed. I know I am" Rosie said her expression reverting to one of annoyance.

Her cousin had almost overdosed from valium a few years prior and it didn't help that he was only fourteen. That incident had made her grow a deep disdain for all drugs and dealers with marijuana suppliers being the exception of course and that was only because it was incredibly diffficult to die from too much weed.

"Did something happen to a kid Daniel?" Halo asked, her tone carrying more concern than Rosie's did.

"There was a sixteen year old girl that died yesterday from a heroine overdose,'' he exhaled and his face fell as he recalled the passing of the young life, "you guys should have heard how her mother cried. It was by far the worst sound that I had ever heard. The poor woman, loosing your kid to shit like that sticks with you"

"How do these kids even get their hands on these stuff anyway?" Rosie asked under her breath.

"She was getting high with some older guy and when she started convulsing he left her on the side of the road like she wasn't someone's kid" Daniel's joyful demeanour had faded now, "She had her whole life ahead of her. Shit's crazy bro" It was obvious that not being able to save the young girl's life had broken his heart. It woud have broken anybody's heart.

Rosie and Halo shared a look and both placed their hands on his. Daniel's line of work made him see things that neither of them would be able to stomach on a regular day and even if they could not fully understand, they did their best to offer support and comfort.

"Hey, it's going to be fine pretty boy," Rosie said, "You did your best. Baby girl is in a better place now.A lot better than this shit stain town that's for sure"

"Rosie's right Daniel. She didn't have to die the way that she did but God knows best" Halo added even when she found it a bit hard to figure out why God gave Rosie's cousin a second chance at life and not the poor girl whose mother was most likely going through emotional hell.

Daniel exhaled and smiled at his two closest friends. They had always been his rock for as long as he could remember and even now that he felt himself slipping into a state of sadness they were here, behind a bar counter, holding him up.

"Thanks guys. I needed that"

"You can thank me by marrying me" Rosie added and he couldn't help but laugh. She always liked to joke about marrying him and playfully flirt with him, it was their little dynamic but that was all that it was. Daniel had always been in love with Halo and Rosie had never been one to take a relationship seriously.

Daniel kissed the back of Rosie's palm and she giggled, one hand covering a fake blush. "It would be honour to marry you miss Rosie Benjamin"

"What a gentleman" Rosie said and we all laughed.

"Hey!"the customer that had winked at Rosie earlier yelled out at Daniel, "What do you think you're doing? keep those patched lips away from my woman boy!"

"My bad. I'm sorry man" Daniel said with both hands up and a smile on his face.

Rosie groaned and rolled her eyes "The only woman in your life is your momma," she frowned at the muscled man, "Do I look like your momma Joey?"

"Come on mami, don't be like that. A man can't look out for his girl now?" Joey responded from the other side of the bar, his tone a lot less confrontational now that he was speaking to her.

"When did we come to the conclusion that I was your girl?" Rosie asked with folded arms and a raised eyebrow.

"The day I set my eyes on that fine face of yours. Speaking of, did I tell you that you look beautiful today?"

"You sure my face was the only thing what you were looking at Joey?"

"I can't even lie mami, your booty got a little bigger too"

Rosie gasped in shock and looked at her friends "Can you believe this man?"

Halo and Daniel only laughed in response. Joey and Rosie's exchange was something that had become a regular, comedic occurence. The man had been chasing after her for at least a year and despite her obvious disinterest he never gave up.

"It's a compliment mami" Joey said in his defense.

"That how your momma taught you to compliment women Joey?"

"My momma didn't have a problem when my daddy complimented her booty"

"Boy, I don't want to hear about your momma's booty. And do I look like your momma?"

"Real talk mami, my momma got nothing on you"

Rosie opened her mouth to say something but decided on holding it back in and letting out a dramtic exhale.

"Let me go check if Victor needs some help at the back" Rosie said to Halo and began to make her way to the back of the bar and away from Joey's lingering stare.

"Don't leave me mami" he called out in between laughs, knowing fully well that he was the reason that she was leaving.

"You lucky I haven't put my foot up your ass" She snapped as she walked away. Joey leaned back on his chair, a wide smile on his face.

"What a woman," he muttered to himself before casting a threatning glare at Daniel, "Better not catch your lips around my woman again. You hear me boy?"

"Sir, yes sir" Daniel responded and Joey nodded.

Halo and Daniel looked at each other for a brief moment and then burst out laughing. Maybe today was not going to be that bad.