"Here we are, Uncle. Are you ready to get to work?"

King Jamal laughed. "Work? oh no I have left that to you, dear nephew. Tonight, this old man just wants to have fun"

"Easy now. There are people with cameras watching" Adnan warned.

His Uncle clapped his hand once "All the better. Let's give them and their cameras something to capture and talk about"

The car doors opened slowly by armed men in suits. "We're here sir" one of the men announced and King Jamal nodded in response allowing Adnan to step down first. Most of the worlds best casinos sit within a complex of exclusive restaurants, beautiful hotels, nightly entertainment, and brilliant facilities.

That way, guests would be able to stay for as many nights of their choosing and enjoy the casino as part of a broader experience. King Jamal had other ideas. He wanted Lima II to be a casino and nothing more. Of course, there were high-end resorts within the premises but that was reserved for him and his guests.

Adnan waited for his uncle to step out of the car and flanked on both sides by armed security guards, walked into the building. The attention that they commanded each time that he and his uncle stepped into a room was nothing new but he still enjoyed it nonetheless.

Beautiful women dressed in their finest smiled in their direction; the bolder ones threw kisses and winks. The men grew uncomfortable as they felt their dominance being tossed aside and Adnan loved to see it. He had not grown up with wealth and had watched his uncle struggle to get them to where they were now. If they embodied the affluence now till the point of arrogance he didn't care. They deserved to be arrogant after being humble for way too long.

"All hail the king!" A voice boomed from the mouth of Mr Patrick Rosenthal, a fat man who earned millions of dollars by the week and evaded taxes like a plague. Adnan had met the man a few times and had not been impressed by his persona.

He was a lousy, avaricious man who based his worth on how much money he had and how many women he had cheated on his visibly unhappy wife with. Even now he had his hand wrapped around the waist of a taller woman who looked just like a Vogue model. Adnan took a closer look at the woman, she was a Vogue model.

How did he manage to get his filthy paws on such a woman?

"Mr Patrick Rosenthal" King Jamal exclaimed with open arms and a wide smile, "The richest kid on the block"

The fat man embraced King Jamal and they both let out a hearty laugh.

"How have you been my friend?" Patrick asked.

"Suffering from success as always my friend''

Patrick slapped King Jamal's back and laughed once more. "What a guy," he looked up at Adnan, "If it isn't the prince of Lima. How are you these days Adnan?"

"I've been doing well thank you" Adnan responded and said nothing more. This disappointed Patrick who expected to be asked about his wellbeing so he could brag about a new expensive item he had just bought illegally.

"Still not big on conversations I see" The man noted with a hint of annoyance.

"Provide me with a topic that's worth my time and I will be big on that conversation"

Patrick felt a surge of anger at this comment but immediately subdued it with a small laugh. Adnan was all too aware of how he had made the man feel and smiled. He loved to get under his skin. King Jamal decided that it was best for him to steer the conversation in a different direction.

"So, tell me Patrick, who is this beautiful lady on your arm tonight?"

Patrick's smile grew more genuine now that his latest conquest had been noticed. He always took pride in having the most beautiful woman in the room which was not good news for the model. If he was come across a more beautiful woman tonight he was going to have her sent back home without a second thought.

"This is Sasha,'' he gently pushed her forward so she could shake King Jamal's hand, "A vogue model."

King Jamal shook the young woman's hand and smiled at her. "Nothing is surprising about that. Vogue only goes for the most beautiful girls. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sasha"

Thank you, King Jamal. It's a pleasure to meet you too"

"Your accent is familiar. Are you Polish by any chance?"

"Yes sir I am"

"That's wonderful," King Jamal said and gestured to Adnan, "This is my nephew Adnan"

Sasha seemed to blush as she let her eyes take in his features. He was handsome and her reaction was both common and obvious to everyone who watched.

"I've heard so much about you. The Prince of Lima"

"Of course" His response was unexpected. She had expected him to act a bit more respectful and at least pretend to be glad to make her acquaintance.

"My name is Sasha. It's a pleasure to meet you"

She held her hand out for a handshake but Adnan looked at her hand and then back at her. "Are you aware that the man that has his hand around your waist is a married man?"