It was a bad dream. It had to be. Halo groaned as she rolled over on the bed that she lay on. She forced her eyes open and looked around the room. It was familiar, very familiar but not enough to belong to her. The fact that she was in this room now and not in hers meant that the incident that occurred the day before was not a dream.

She wished that it was. She wished that she could close her eyes and by the time that she opened them, all the craziness would go away. Her feet throbbed a little when she sat up on the bed and placed them on the floor. And why wouldn't they hurt when she had walked all the way from her place to Rosie's house?

She winced as she felt a sharp pain run through her head. She used three of her fingers to massage the sides of her head to ease the pain. She thought back to Dominic and wiped a tear that fell out of her eye. He had made her mad before but never like he had yesterday.