''Miss Halo Johnson. You have been the light in my darkness and the tune in every song I whistle'' Adnan stood with a glass of champagne in his hand and tried all that he could not to roll his eyes at the words that his uncle was speaking.

His uncle had discussed the proposal with him long before the party had even been planned and he had tried to kick against it as hard as he could and had even taken a short trip to go meet the only other person that King Jamal would listen to.

''Uncle Orion'' Adnan had traced the man to a quiet resturant on the suburban area of France. It was one of the few times that he had seen the man without his face buried in a book. He sat alone in a corner savoring the taste of red wine. Adnan had walked up to his table and sat down.

''I could smell you from a mile away'' Orion had said and Adnan chuckled.

''I hope that doesn't speak poorly about my personal hygeine?'' he asked and the older man laughed and shook his head.