The New Start

I breathed out loud as I closed the door behind me with my feet, it was the fourth time I said goodbye to one of my friends before having the quiet new place I call my home now for myself. I walked over to my still empty dining room, cleaning up the mess we had after having a "moving-in party".

I grabbed all of the empty Pizza boxes and made my way to the kitchen to throw them away. I walked over to my living room and dropped my tired body onto the couch. I closed my eyes and let out a relieved sigh, taking in the silence in my now-new home. For once I can't complain, not anymore at least. I had to move because I could no longer afford my old apartment which was too big for me anyways. It had like 3 separate rooms, a huge kitchen attached to the living room and a big bathroom. I know it's a dream of everyone to have a huge apartment but I prefer to have a small cosy apartment instead of feeling cold and lonely because it is just too big. I know you're asking yourself "Why did she move in at all if the place was too big" I can tell you.

My parents own 2 very big companies, so they never had enough money. When I was done with college and wanted to move out, they insisted on paying for the apartment, the condition was I had to work for them tho. I tried, really, but working in an office and being rude to employees is just not for me so I quit after 2 months. So here I am right now, they stopped paying the rent because "if you don't want to work for us, then you have to find a new job and pay the rent by yourself". the thing is, it took me too long to find a job, and the payment was not enough to pay for the apartment so I just decided to move out and find a new affordable apartment.

I like the area I live in now, it is really quiet and I think many old people live here, so you don't have to be scared of getting robbed on the way home or to work.

I let out a yawn and stretched all of my 4 limbs, deciding I should get up and get ready for bed before falling asleep on the couch, the couch is not comfortable to sleep on.

I dragged myself to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and combed my hair, changing into my pyjamas. . I switched off the light and closed the bathroom door behind me. walking over to my still-empty Bedroom, there was nothing except for my double-sized bed and my closet, still waiting for the rest of the furniture to arrive so I could start decorating my room. I walked over to my bed, connected my phone to my charger and made myself comfortable in my bed. I closed my eyes, starting to drift off to sleep, being excited about having a new start and a new life.