Live Streaming?

"Should we rent a private room or just go with the public ones?" Solar looked over to the side as she put her utensils down. 

In just a short period of time, they were able to finish most of the food on the table. Their appetite, looked as if they hadn't eaten for days 

Hearing the questions, Cj, Jules, and Eric looked at each other. A subtle grin appeared on their lips. A sign that they were all thinking of the same thing. 

Solar shook her head. She worriedly placed her hand on her forehead when she noticed the look that they were giving to her. 

'It seemed like I made a mistake when I asked that.' she thought. 

Just by their look, Solar knew that the three were up to no good. Based on their expression, their answer would surely be playing out in public.

Solar glanced at Red, asking for help. However, Red smiled at Solar. An expression that he was agreeing with the plan. 

'This is ruined. These 4 shameless people want to wreak havoc once again.' Solar took a deep breath and forced a smile on her face. 

She remembered the last time they went to a public internet cafe. The 4 caused a commotion and a fight inside. They were thrown out and were banned from going to the same internet cafe again. 

"Just make sure you're all going to behave properly." Solar threatened. She pointed her finger at each one of them. 

Cj, Jules, and Eric nodded like a puppy. 

"Let's go now?" Red asked before standing up. 

Their table was cleared out already. Thanks to Jules, who was currently eating the last piece of chicken left. 

"I'll pay first, then." Red informed them when he saw that they started getting ready to go. 

"Woah! After years, our leader still hasn't changed!" Cj teased out loud. 

Since they were training, Red as the leader, would sometimes volunteer to pay for their meals when they were going out. 

They initially refused, but Red was persistent. That's why every time Red will offer, they would just let him be. 

Of course, they still had their fair share, and would pay back in another way, such as when they're going to the convenience store, they would also pick something for Red. 

Red chuckled. He tilted his head to the side and left them to avoid any more teasing. 

Red went to the counter and paid for the meal. He initiated, as he was sorry that they had to wait half an hour for him.

Paying was also not that big a deal to him, since he rarely spent his money and salary. 

Despite being a complete adult, his parents still didn't fail to provide. They would still send Red a monthly allowance to help with his finances.

Red came back to the table after a few minutes. He saw that they were already standing on the side, just waiting for him. 

"Let's go up?" Red looked over his shoulders, glancing at the grand staircase on the far right side of the restaurant. 

"Let's go!" Jules excitedly exclaimed. He was the first one to take a step, leading all of them upstairs. 

"Oh right, I remembered that you said you're doing live streaming. How does that work?" Curious about it, Eric asked as they went up.

Cj gazed at Eric with a teasing smile. "You plan to livestream too?" 

Eric shrugged his shoulders. "I don't even know how it works, stupid." 

Cj chuckled after hearing the slight annoyance in Eric's voice.

"It's simple. You just buy a good-quality camera and mic. Then you stream your game so that your viewers can watch it. You also need to interact with them." Cj explained how livestreaming works. 

"Ohhh," Eric slowly nodded, letting Cj's words sink in his brain. 

'It seemed like a simple process.' he thought. 

A subtle smirk appeared on Cj's lips. "For your case, though, you should buy a high-quality camera." 

"Why?" Eric's forehead furrowed. "Is there a rule or something?"

"Cause you look like shit, Man! What if your viewers get a jumpscare because of your face?" Cj laughed out loud when an intense glare landed upon him. 

Eric scoffed. He raised his right arm and flexed it. 

"You're just probably scared that I'll steal all your fans away with these muscles…" Eric smiled, not bothered by it. "and with this handsome face I have." 

Cj pretended to puke after hearing Eric's words. However, that didn't affect Eric, who was lost in his own world of shamelessness. 

"I heard people could earn a lot in livestreaming," Red butted in when he remembered something about the topic. 

Truth to be told, streaming was something that Red found interesting. He remembered that it was only last year when streaming started to become popular among gamers. 

"Yeah. Last month, I was able to earn 5 digits." Cj nodded, confirming Red's statement. "It was already more than enough for me, whose living alone." 

Eric and Jules' eyes widened. 

"Really? Let's start streaming too, then!" Jules exclaimed after hearing how much one could earn. 

His own restaurant, even doesn't make as high as that. 

"And you know what's better? It's flexible, so you don't need a certain schedule every day. Even a 3-4 hour steam five times a week will be enough." 


"Damn. Maybe with these muscles, I can earn more than you!" 

Cj chuckled. He gazed over at Solar and pointed to her. "This girl is silent, but she's also streaming. She even has more followers than me!" 

The discovery made all of them, except Cj, drop their jaws. 

Solar, who known as timid and an introvert to others, was live streaming? More to that, she even had more followers than Cj?!

Red, among all of them, was surprised the most. 

"I didn't know you have a thing for that, Solar." 

Solar's face turned Red as she could feel, feeling the stares being thrown at her. She could only awkwardly laugh. 

When she glanced to the side, her eyes narrowed, giving Cj a murderous glare. 

'This snitch!' Solar cursed Cj in his mind. It was a secret that the two of them were supposed to hide. 

"How long has it been since you started streaming, Solar?" Red asked after it got to his interest.

It was unlike him, but, trying new things sounds fun as he thought of it. 

"Just a month ago," Solar sighed, answering the question. 

"How many followers do you have?" 


"Is it fun?" 

"Yes," Solar raised her brows. It sounded as if she was being interviewed formally. 

"Do you think I have a knack for it?" 

However, Red's last question made everyone silent.