Red Still Got It

The game escalated quickly after the wipeout. Red was able to destroy the first tower in the mid lane. It was the same with Solar and Juler who went back to the top lane and Cj who hadn't left the bottom lane yet. 

Eric, on the other hand, went back to farming. 

He took the advantage that the opponent's jungler was dead. He stole the buffs and the monsters in the opponent's jungle. 

With what Eric did, the gap in their level and gold further increased. 

"Let's destroy the second tower and go after them afterward." Red looked at the map after LexiRole once again, died in his hands. 

Their opponents had no choice but to play safe. They haven't left their towers in a while except when they need to kill minions. 

However, with the current stats right now, Red and his teammates could easily dive into the tower to slay the enemies if they would like.

 "Let's end the game quickly." Red instructed them after the game hit the 12-minute mark. 


Behind the screen, LexiRole, who was inside his room, screamed out in frustration. He hit his desk multiple times, almost standing up, just to let his frustration out. 

Looking at his KDA, he couldn't help but cry inside. In just 12 minutes, he was able to accumulate 5 deaths with only 1 assist. 

The scoreboard of the game was 21-3, clearly favoring Red's team. 

"Who are these people? Why are they even smurfing in grandmaster?" LexiRole silently cried. 

The game that was supposed to calm him down, was instead, making him frustrated.

"This is why playing TeamMatch this day is hard guys. Too many smurfs." LexiRole uttered, talking to the viewers who were watching his live stream. 

"Thank you for the gift, Ity."

With nothing else to do, LexiRole could only talk and thank his viewers while his death timer continued to play. 

"Maybe I should add friends with them after so they can carry me too. What do you think, guys?" he thought of it as he watched how the game unfolded. 

"Haha. Don't worry! I'll try and talk to them later." LexiRole smiled after reading a comment that was agreeing with his question. 

At this point, he thought that they should already surrender. There was no point in fighting back with a 20k gap in gold. 

However, his teammates were stubborn that they refused to surrender. 

LexiLore tilted his head as a defeated sigh escaped from his lips. As his death timer slowly came to an end, he quickly brought back his hand on the mouse. 

It's another time of suffering for him again. 

After destroying the middle lane, Red and his friends regrouped towards the Viper's base once again. Now, Cj already went with them. 

It was an easy fight with the Viper as the opponent's team didn't contest. As their levels continued to increase, Red and the others didn't waste any second and directly went to the middle lane. 

They pushed the last tower in the middle lane that was defending the opponent's base. 

As a fight broke out, the players of the opposing team felt in despair as Red's team easily killed them.

They haven't even left a scratch on Red and his teammates's HP as Jules was there to immediately heal them. 

As the final moments of the game unfolded, Red's team pressed forward. With a final blow, Red delivered the finishing attack to the enemy's Revival pond, shattering it into fragments.

As a bright light escaped from the pond, victory flashed across their monitors. 

Red brought down his headset as he heard his teammates celebrating their joyous victory. 

"We won!" Jules clapped his hands which made everyone laugh. 

"That was so easy!" Eric followed. 

Red chuckled. "You're making it sound like we won a championship or something." 

Solar lightly hit Red's arms. "Don't destroy our joy. The last time we played altogether was 3 years ago."

Red raised his hands midair. "Okay, Miss Ma'am." 

Solar's eyes narrowed as she heard the slight defiance in Red's tone. However, she quickly disregarded it, as she wanted to say something. 

Solar flashed a smile on her face. "It seemed like you still got what it takes to be a leader." she commended Red and the way he commanded their game earlier. 

Red tilted his head to the side. "Do I?" He asked unsurely. 

"Yes, brother Red! I didn't even need to think earlier. I just followed your commands and baam! The enemies are flying in the air." Jules motioned his hands as if it was an airplane crashing in the sky. 

Red tilted his head to the side. He laughed at their reaction.

"Oh? Who's this LexiRole? Isn't this the guy from earlier?" Cj asked in a curious tone. 

"Yeah. Why?" Eric leaned to the side and looked at Cj's monitor. "Woah! He sent you a friend request!" 

"Yeah…" Cj slowly nodded. It was weird reading the name. It reminded him of someone that he always watched on his cellphone. 

"Oh, he sent me one too?" Eric uttered as he returned his gaze back to his computer screen. 

"Me too," Jules followed. 

"Same," Solar's forehead creased after receiving the notification. 

Wanting to see if Red got a friend request too, all of them looked in Red's direction. 

"How about you?" Solar curiously asked Red. 

"Oh, me?" Red straightened his back. "I'm already chatting with him in the game." he answered. 

Solar and the rest were left shocked by the answer. Their jaws dropped as they looked at Red, who hadn't said anything to them. 

"What did he say?" 

"He wanted to join us in the game sometime and help him rank up." Red shrugged his shoulder as he closed his chat with LexiRole. 

"What did you reply, Brother Red?" Jules became curious about what Red answered. 

"I told him next time since we're full." Red chuckled. 

"Ohhh," they nodded after hearing Red. 

"LexiRole also said that we're like gods in the game in his eyes." Red looked at their reaction carefully. 

"How about we play with him in InterDawn?" Eric's eyes sparkled after hearing the praise. 

Red shook his head. Their reaction was just like what he expected. 

"He already logged out of the game." 

"Ahh," Eric's expression turned gloomy. He thought that it was such a good opportunity to flex his strength in front of someone. 

It was unfortunate that LexiRole already turned offline. 

As the topic died down, Red's eyes gaze back at his screen. He saw that he was the MVP of the game, having a KDA of 8/0/9. 

Red quickly left the battle information to come back to the lobby of the game. 

"Let's play another round?" Red asked as a smile appeared on his face.