The New Member of Blazing Faze

Arriving at the first location, the members of Blazing Faze quickly unboarded the white van. Their faces were bright, showing their excitement over the matter. 

As they arrived outside, their mouths formed an immediate 'O' shape as they looked at the 2-storey house in front. The house was humongous, with most of its walls being glass panels. It was plain, yet it was timeless and looked attractive. 

"This looks good!" Jules, who was the most excited among all of them, exclaimed out loud. He had only seen such houses on movie sets or posts of celebrities when scrolling online. 

However, he had never once expected that they would go inside one. Jules felt every limb and bones of him shaking in excitement. 

"Of course! I'm the one who found it!" Proud of it, David quickly pointed to his chest as he stood proudly in the middle. "Look how great your Old man is!"