chapter 30

The main character wake up from the sleep I am go out of the house to get some food and goes to nearby restaurant and order some food to eat and after finishing the food in the restaurant hi hi goes to his house and l a y on the chair thing about last night dream.

The main character still thinking about the dream about his killing every single person in in this world and that dream of realistic brought him back to reality from sleep at night because office lower a mental power to ordinary person this happened or maybe property dream of his future

Because the main character knows that this deam maybe real in some parllel times space of him.

After that time the main character Itsuke wanted to use his powers to train limit where body and soul both instincted to his powers.

After that istuke goes to small world and train his abilities to the limit where he can instinctibely use them for next three months and he mastered the instinctive nature of power in low time of three months because he already extreme control over all power on his body and by these three months of training, Itsuke control his ever single power to instinctive level .

Itsuke was training because the dream of his killing every one made him cautious and he was cautious by train his power to limit for his safety.