
Sol Calientos

17 years old (Born: March 1, 2018)

Sol grew up like any other teenage boy in Luminata City… except for the part that he's adopted, lives at a dojo overlooking the city, and was taught to fight barely after learning to walk. Whoops! Idolizing heroes via comic books, movies, and video games, he always dreamed of becoming a superhero. Of course, that's just a fantasy, right? His childhood circumstances were never ideal, but he made the best of it with the support of his guardian, Sake Orouku, the leader of the Solar Dojo. It was also made better by his childhood best friends, Rain, and Luna Orouku, the latter he grew closest to. Sol and Luna share another dream of one day, exploring the world together. It won't be possible for some time as they're still young, but they make the best of this with the next best thing, free running around Luminata. Sol lives a good life with good people. May it never change.

Luna Orouku

17 years old (Born: April 12, 2018)

Luna isn't like other girls. No, that isn't what she goes around telling people. She's quite the bubbly soul, something that makes others want to be her friend. She enjoys a nice balance of being popular with many at school and being a dork with her childhood friends, Sol and Rain. Being raised by Sake as well, she knows how to defend herself rather well. Her love for photography and athletics defines her very much. She always enjoys exploring the great city of Luminata with her best friend, Sol, and taking great photos while doing it. The editor at her publication job seems to agree she has talent. Luna lives well amongst good people with a great job at such a young age. May it serve her future just fine.