Quartz District, Luminata City - September 7, 2035
🎵: Scattle - Knock Knock
Welcome to the Quartz, the crime capital of Luminata City! That isn't an official statement made by the city or anything because why would anyone live in this place if that were really the case? However, the statistics don't lie. In 2034, the rate wasn't anything too glaring, but this year, the rate spiked almost forty percent. Rumors outside the place have it that a new gang moved in about six months ago… a nasty group of thugs that enjoy wreaking havoc like a couple of school kids on a sugar rush.
Well, the Knight of Light did say there was an evil hidden deep inside this city that only he could stop. This is it. This is how he proves himself. It took a few days for Sol to be able to sneak his way out. He wanted to make sure to throw Master Solar off his trail because he knew that the man was not bluffing.
In that time, he fashioned himself a proper vigilante's outfit. He needed to be a creature of the night, although the light powers somewhat defeat that purpose. Still, he needed to be a figure that these gang bangers feared on sight. He took one of his spare robes and dyed it black. He added a nice pair of dark gray sweatpants and for good measure, a balaclava that he cut up himself. It is such an ugly, thrown-together street fighter outfit, but it will do.
Sol stands atop of the district's light altar tower, surveying the whole area. The entire Quartz is just… dark. He's never seen anything like it, a whole part of the city just blacked out. It's telling that the tower is flickering because… it never does that. Something shady is definitely going on here. Sol just smiles, knowing it's his time.
"The Knight of Light brings the light to the Quartz… how proper!", he called excitedly.
He drops down the tower as skillfully as he usually would, but something is different. As he descends closer and closer to the pitch-black alley below, he feels his stamina starting to dwindle. How is this even happening? He's always been fit for runs around the city. Not to mention, he had some rest at the top of the tower. By the time he reaches the ground, he is completely spent. This feeling is like… dehydration. Again, he just got some rest a few minutes ago, even drinking a whole bottle of water. How could he be so exhausted so quickly?
"W-what's happening to me?", he asked, confused and heavily breathing. "So… tired… thirsty."
Sol is severely hampered by this lack of energy, but thankfully, can still move relatively well. He continues down the alleyway, so dark and desolate. He can hardly even see a thing, who knows what he could be stepping on. Suddenly, some noise and voices can be heard around the corner. He peeks his head from the corner and sees some kids around his age doing some dumpster diving. Sol breathes a sigh of relief… poor timing.
"Well, well, well! Doin' a little diggin', aren't we?" said an approaching man in a mask.
This guy came with a group of 3, holding a lantern in their hand. All of them were dressed in whatever suited them, vests, jackets, and jerseys, but there were two things that they all had in common. They are wearing helmets or masks of some kind and they're all carrying a blunt weapon. These kids are in danger and it's clear.
"Listen, man! We're just lookin' for food. We're not doin' anything.", one of the kids pleaded.
One of the masked men slams his bat against the dumpster, "Tough luck! You know the rules, kid. Anything you find there is ours."
"Come on! It's trash, why do you care?" the other kid demanded to know.
The main guy points his bat at him, "Are you talking back to us? Have you not heard what happens when you disrespect us?" Another one in his group throws the lantern aside and circles behind the kids. "We become your worst NYTEMARE."
Just as he said that a network of faint blacklights turned on all around them. Sol is caught off guard by this. He feels a little bit of his energy return, but only a little. With this, he remembers one of the lessons on Light Superhuman biology… pure darkness drains the power of light from his body. He didn't take that into account when he descended into this area and now, he's completely out of his element. Shifting his focus from his idiocy, he turns to the masked men bullying the kids.
They are all covered in markings of neon paint, glowing with the blacklights. Their masks were like some weird tribal creature design. The ones in helmets look like they came from a cyber goth event. If it wasn't for their jerkoff attitudes, Sol would've guessed these guys were bad cosplayers, instead...
"Oh yeah, these are the gangsters.", Sol muttered to himself. "Fe-feel so weak…" He tries to shoot a light bolt, but nothing. He is tapped out. "Shit, not good."
Sol isn't even sure he could run, let alone fight, but these kids are going to get hurt and he can't let that happen. It will be tough, but he can't let the innocent be punished like this. He remembers Master Hasashi's lessons on stealth for moments where head-on combat isn't an option. Of course, that backfired on him when Sol used it to discover the vault entry. Now, he can put it to proper use.
Sol tosses a nearby trash can at a wall, which successfully startles the gang members.
"YOU TWO, go check out what that was!", ordered the leader of the group.
The two gangsters slowly move in Sol's direction. Thankfully, he isn't too noticeable in the blacklight, but his dark gear still clashes against the neon-painted graffiti on the walls. These bozos really marked their territory here. One of the goons notices the trash and wonders how it ended up like that. The other closes in on Sol's position.
"What the hell? This can didn't just get tipped over. Somebody threw this.", he mentioned to his buddy. What he didn't notice was that his buddy got pulled around the corner.
Sol knocks the gangster out with a quick punch, cracking his helmet. He feels a tad winded, but that comes with his sorry state. He slowly creeps his way towards this guy's buddy. The buddy turns back toward the leader.
"Hey, this can was tossed or someth-"
The other two are startled as their guy just got taken by some figure out of nowhere. The leader nudges the other remaining goon to find their guys, of course, they're both shaking as they have no idea who… or what is even over there.
"I'm watching you, now go check it out."
"Y-yes, sir"
The gangster, absolutely terrified, walks down the alleyway with his bat held tightly in his shaking hands. He looks all around to find the culprit hiding in the dark. Finally reaching the end of the alley, he finds his two buddies unconscious around the corner.
"What the?" he said in fear. He feels someone tap his shoulder causing him to slowly turn around. Laying his eyes on the culprit, he screams, "AHHHH-" Sol knocks him out with a punch.
The leader of the group is now terrified. He grabs one of the kids and waves off the other, who promptly runs off.
He is just about ready to beat the kid with the bat when he hears a metallic clanking sound above. As he looks up to see what that was, he finally sees Sol rain down a devastating punch that takes him down immediately. It turns out Sol had climbed up a fire escape to get around the gangster's line of sight. He swung on some piping to get directly above him and give a nice aerial takedown.
Sol struggles to get back to his feet until the kid he saved helps him.
"Uhh, thank you… Are you okay?", the scared kid said.
"I'm fine. Are you?"
"Yeah, all good. Just a little shaken up. I didn't think they'd mess with a couple of street rats like us."
"Who are these losers?"
"They call themselves the NYTEMARE. They moved in a few months ago and started roaming the Quartz at night."
"At night… haunting you when you sleep like a true nightmare. I get it… I'll handle them. You have a place to go?"
"No, I'm homeless."
"I'll do my best to help. Go find your friend and hide."
Sol lightly jogs off, still inhibited by his condition. The kid is weirded out by how sickly he seems, but he did kick ass just now so why argue. He grabs a bat to defend himself.
"Uh, yeah… Go get 'em, mister!" he called out before he ran off.
Sol keeps moving through the alleys. The walls are completely covered in neon paint, being lit by this network of blacklights. This went from a pitch-black alley to some kind of fever dream.
"Ohhhhhhhh", Sol let out, realizing that this was intentional.
A gang that wears tribal masks and cyber goth helmets, covers the walls and themselves with neon paint, and most likely, set up the network of blacklights. Sol sorts out the NYTEMARE's theme and it's exactly what the name implies. The only question is how the city hasn't done anything about these goobers yet. What does come to mind is their activities happening late at night. That could be why the city doesn't do anything as they keep themselves well hidden. Although, the neon paint has to be quite the tell, right?
Sol comes across an open area in the alleyway where a larger group of NYTEMARE is lounging around. Two of them are spray painting the wall, yelling the name of the gang. Another two are sitting on an old couch watching TV on a large screen. Sol thinks they likely stole that from someone around here. A few others are walking and talking. And last, but not least, four are sitting around playing a card game.
"There aren't a whole lot around. Don't think this is their home base.", Sol muttered to himself. "Oh well, time to give these NYTEMARE bastards something to be afraid of."
Sol stays true to his stealth tactics, using sounds to distract and separate guys near each other. He makes quick work of the two spray painting before grabbing a can himself and quickly spraying, "NYTEY NYTE". He keeps moving around, taking out the ones unoccupied at the moment. Amazingly, the two occupied groups don't notice a thing. Sol creeps up behind the couch and leans between both goons. They're watching "Love Remotely", a chick flick.
"You think they'll ever get to meet in person, boys?" Sol asked, fake crying.
"I don't know, man. It's just not fair.", answered one of the goons.
The other one turns to look at both, "Who knew working from home could still lead to a beautiful romance." He double takes, "Wait, WHAT?!"
Sol already grabbed the remote between them and proceeded to knock them both out with it. He shuts the TV off afterwards.
"Nothing wrong with chick flicks, guys. Just you know, pay attention."
He turns his attention to the group sitting at the table. They still haven't noticed a thing. The reality is they're just bickering over the rules of the game.
"Ten & a three. HIT ME!!", said one of the goons.
"Hit me? First of all, we're not playing blackjack, you jackass. Second of all, don't reveal your cards until the river is revealed!", another one replied.
"I know we're playing Poker, so HIT ME, DAMMIT!"
Poor choice of words. The four are too busy with this unorganized card game that they fail to notice the large TV flying towards them. Sol tossed it at all four with precision, knocking all out… rather uncleanly.
"What a waste… of a nice TV", he quipped at the end.
He's still very winded from his lack of energy. Forcing himself to take action like this could end up causing him to collapse from exhaustion and he knows it. He thinks it would be best to take another moment to, mercifully, observe the NYTEMARE from a safe place. After a struggle to climb up, Sol crouches down at a nearby rooftop to watch the street.
The first thing that catches his attention is the Quartz police precinct. It's there. It has heavy activity… Heavy NYTEMARE activity.
The entire place seems so lawless because it is. The building that once housed officers of the law is now home to thugs looking to smack you in the jaw. What Sol already knew about the NYTEMARE is all present. Building. Yard. Police Cruisers, you name it… covered in neon paint. The blacklights lined the building and yard, even replacing the spotlights. And a bunch of gangsters, raving in the yard. Some aren't even in masks or helmets, but screwing around in riot gear.
The obvious prospect upsets Sol, "You better not have murdered those cops, you haunted house rejects!" He might not be in fighting shape, but knows he has to feed these losers justice through a tube. He composes himself and gets ready to make a move, "You idiots may have all these people living in fear, but I can't wait to see how you deal with someone who doesn't fear you."
"I assure you, you already have enough to fear", a familiar voice said calmly.
Sol's eyes widen, knowing exactly who it is. Before he can even turn around, he's easily taken out by a swift chop to the neck.
Sol wakes up smelling nothing but blacktop. He finds himself sleeping on a Basketball court, his mask is off, but most importantly, he feels completely reenergized. A far cry from how he felt just a bit earlier. He looks up to see all of the lights around the court shining down on him. He's no longer in the Quartz but in a park just outside the district.
"Ah, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Master Solar asked in a less-than-stellar mood.
He sits patiently across from Sol, who is still slumped on the ground.
"Master Solar."
"Well, at the very least, you remembered to call me the right name this time. So, how are you going to spin this one?"
"I told you I was ready! I know that just telling you wasn't going to be convincing enough, so I had to show you."
"Yes, going into the most dangerous area in the city, forgetting your biggest weakness and thus, fighting crime while completely vulnerable. Perfect! That is the best way to test yourself."
"I made a mistake, but I adapted. That's what heroes do, overcome the odds!"
"You're still on this hero thing and THAT'S exactly my point. You talk about fighting crime for the greater good and finding Luna sooner, but the reality is, you're living for the dream. You're lost in it. It's all a game for you."
Sol springs to his feet in anger, "IT'S NOT A GAME!! This is real to me. There is a gang terrorizing people right over there. They might have killed an entire police force. THEY NEED HELP! Luna has been missing for 3 months and who knows what she's going through. SHE NEEDS HELP! Who can help them? ME!!
"And what great help you'd be if you were killed. Everyone in the dojo knew exactly what you would do just like the stunt with the vault. We merely allowed you to sneak out, so you can finally understand the other reality: You're predictable. You're impulsive. And most of all, you're reckless!", Solar proclaimed.
Sol understands his point, but refuses to back down, "I have to do what's right no matter what you or anyone else thinks. Take me home and punish me if you'd like, but I will just come back another day. I will help these people. I will defeat the NYTEMARE."
Solar sighs, knowing his protege's tenacity, and then laughs, "Okay, then it's time for you to show me… like you said."
Sol is perplexed. He is wondering if he has a cryptic lesson in store for him. What exactly is he proposing?
"I want you to put your money where your mouth is… Face me! Right here… Right now.", Solar challenged.
"You're joking."
"Never was very good at jokes… that isn't about to change now."
Solar stands up in his position across from Sol. The latter realizes that he isn't joking at all. This is a first… he had never even sparred with him before. All he could think is that he can't really say no because this is his opportunity. He isn't even depowered anymore. This is the time to prove himself for sure. Sol stands his ground, accepting his challenge. As is tradition, he bows.
"Oh, no! You need not bow, we aren't sparring. This is a real fight… You will treat me like a real enemy.", Solar corrected him.
🎵: TMNT 2: Battle Nexus - Foot Boss
Sol doesn't bother to break into a fighting stance and instead, tries to think about how he could win this. To his surprise, Solar charges at him. He wasn't used to somebody else making the first move, but here he is. He defends himself against his master's strikes before being flipped yet again. Sol doesn't let himself land on the ground, however, he releases Solar's grip and kicks off of him.
"Building some distance, huh? You should know that won't matter.", Solar called.
He fires some light bolts at Sol, hitting him twice in midair. Sol lands safely, smiling because he can play that game too. He shoots three light bolts, all of which Solar deflects. He rushes with a few more bolts, to create an opening. Solar deflects them all, freeing Sol to land a hard kick to the midsection. The former takes the hit but catches the latter in a leg lock.
The leg lock brings Sol to the ground and he can't break free unless he were to force himself. This may be a real fight, but he's not going to break any of his master's bones over it.
"You can yield now, I won't hold it against you.", Solar taunted.
"Oh, sure. Give up, right? You should know… that isn't my thing.", Sol replied with a smile.
Sol flashes a bright light directly in front of his face, causing him to release the hold. Sol rolls back to his feet. He then throws a different ball of light onto the ground a few feet behind Solar that lingers. He pounces on his still-reeling master, rolling with and launching him at the light ball. As he was about to land, the ball exploded, sending him back towards Sol.
"I told you I was ready!" Sol claimed confidently.
He times himself and attempts to spin-kick his master for the win. Solar isn't the master for no reason, however. Before Sol lands the finishing kick, he activates a golden force field… made of light, but hard as brick. The student strikes his leg against the field, hurting him a lot.
"AHHHHHHH… CRAP!!", he screamed in immense pain.
As he lands on the ground, he crawls to try and get back on his feet. A golden ball lands in front of him and he's easily familiar with this one.
"Oh, crap."
It explodes, sending him backward. Sol writhes on the floor for a moment before attempting to get back up once more. Too bad, Solar lands on him with a swift punch.
"Stay down", Solar said, decisively defeating him.
"Ugh, okay, you win.", Sol responded, decisively acknowledging his defeat.
"I know. But let it be known, you had me on the ropes. That is something to be proud of." He reaches his hand to Sol, who takes it. "I am."
"Thank you and… I'm sorry for my reckless behavior tonight. I just wanted to prove I really was ready. Guess I was wrong after all." He drops his head in shame. "I accept whatever punishment comes my way."
Solar chuckles, "I think a crushing defeat is punishment enough, don't you think?" He places his hand on Sol's shoulder. "I want you to take a great lesson from this. I don't tell you that you're reckless and lack maturity because I want to bring you down. You just need more time to iron out your faults." He pats him on the shoulder. "Your time will come. Please, don't try to rush greatness."
Sol nods in agreement, "I promise to follow your teachings. It's just…" He turns to look back at the Quartz, knowing its residents' struggles.
"The NYTEMARE. Right. They will get what's coming to them soon enough. I also have to say that I'm sorry for belittling your intentions. They ARE pure. I know because I raised you right… and I will continue to until the time comes for you to fly."
"Yes, sir!"
"Now, let's get going, it's late!"
"Are we not gonna teleport?"
"Are you kidding? After a fight like that? No, we're walking… Let's go!"