Chapter 5: Sorrow Hidden Behind the Pale Face

Hao Yuxian didn't respond and simply bowed deeply.

"Young Mistress", he said in a monotone voice. Though he had offered her a very deep form of respect, nothing about his expression indicated that he had any respect for her at all. Instead, a deep loathing could be seen seeping out of his features.

Yueying saw this and was confused.

Who was this lady?

Why was she blocking them??

Why was everyone acting like as though they were in a drama???

By now, the young lady whom Yuxian had addressed as 'Young Mistress' had finally noticed Yueying who had already turned to random corner to run away.

The Young Mistress smiled condescendingly at him before speaking in a loud and powerful voice, "So you're the lost Young Master?"

She was obviously trying to be mean and wasn't actually expecting an answer from Yueying, but lo and behold, she had gotten one.

Yueying froze once he heard her voice and turned around after letting out a huge breath to calm his nerves. He then spoke in what he felt was him being "natural"

"Yes...haha...that's me", he said.



The Mistress and Hao Yuxian were speechless for a second. Though she recovered much faster than Yuxian.

"Ahem...well it seems you obviously aren't fit to rule a kingdom as exquisite as this, so know your place", she said in a mean tone before turning away and sashaying, royal attendants flocking around her like a bunch of headless ducks.

Yuxian stood upright immediately he was no longer in her line of sight. He glared towards her direction as the hate in his eyes grew stronger.

Seeing this, Yueying thought, "If looks could kill, that lady would've died a thousand times by now..."

Suddenly, Yuxian turned around and faced Yueying, his anger still present. Though now it was laced with a slightly concerned expression.

"Young Master, please don't listen to Lady Huoqiang. She's grown even more envious since the last time I saw her"

Yueying, "Huoqiang? As in "rose"?"

Yuxian nodded.

"It was given to her by the former Emperor, your father who...", he trailed off.

Yueying, "What? Is there something wrong?"

Hao Yuxian wore a complicated expression on his face, hesitation written across his pale face. After a while he finally spoke.

"Nothing Young Master, it's just...Lady Huoqiang is your father's older sister"

Yueying, "Oh..."

A minute later it hit him.

Yueying, "WAIT, SHE'S MY AUNT???"

One really couldn't blame him for having such a strong reaction, after all, she possessed all the qualities of a vindictive, jealous, rich lady and none like that of aunt. No, she was more of a "I'll-give- you-two-hundred-tassels-of-gold-to-leave-my-son" kind of person in his eyes. While he didn't have any problem with her being this way and absolutely didn't judge her for it, it was a completely different case if they were related.

Though one really couldn't tell that that she was an aunt, much less the older sister of his father. She looked only to be a couple years older than himself, and they looked nothing alike. He had silver hair and pink eyes, while she had black hair and green eyes. They were two completely different aesthetics for crying out loud! (ノ`Д)ノ

Realizing how overdramatic he was being, Yueying cleared his throat before stiffly replying to Yuxian with a "He-didn't-whether-to-laugh-or-cry" smile on his face.

"Ahem, oh I see"

Hao Yuxian sighed deeply before putting a serious look on his face. He always looked like this when it was time for official business, so Yueying unintentionally straightened his posture.

"Young Master, we must make haste to the east of the palace"

Yueying matched his serious energy, "Yes, we must"

Unfortunately, he had realized that he actually didn't know why they had to go to there and was too focused on being too serious.


Yuxian nearly fell down once he heard this.

"His majesty really isn't very bright is he"

On the way to the east side of the huge palace, Yueying learned that they were going there because that was where his personal residence was located. However, Yueying had assumed that his room was located there, so he got the shock of his life when he was told by Hao Yuxian that the entirety of the east residence belonged to him?!!

"Hold on I couldn't possibly accept the whole east side of the palace!?". He was waving his arms around wildly and was so nervous that he felt like he'd had 10 years of his lifespan taken away. 

Unfortunately, Yuxian was being dead serious as he said, "You did Young Master. You were the only heir to the throne and The Former Majesties only child, so of course you'd have such a huge residence"

Yueying, "But still, isn't this a little too much??"

Yuxian," Your Highness was deeply loved by his royal parents, they wanted nothing but the best for you"

Yueying couldn't help but notice that he'd accidently switched from 'Young Master' to 'Your Highness' during the course of their conversation and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Though, something else had caught his attention. 

During their journey to the Imperial City of the Moon, Yuxian had constantly mentioned his parents and only had good things to say about. He didn't remember how they looked or how their voices sounded but after constantly hearing about them, a sorrow he had long since been experiencing sprouted in his heart.

The villagers who'd found him were all so kind and brought him up into the person that he was today. While he was thankful for that, he'd always thought about his parents who couldn't remember. He always pondered on things like whether he looked like his father or mother, was his father a kind and brave man and was his mother a gentle and beautiful soul. He wouldn't have minded even if they were not as rosy as he imagined them to be, just the chance to see them and be with them again would be enough for him.

Up until now, he'd never had anyone tell him about his parents, but hearing Hao Yuxian talking about them with so much respect and loyalty, he felt like a knot that had been tied around his heart was finally starting to loosen.

He always tried to smile and be happy but sometimes, he wanted to be able to tell himself "Hey, just be honest. It'll be okay" and perhaps he would be able to now.

The moon was shining so brightly, and the night breeze was cool and refreshing, a sentimental air hanging around from time to time. Maybe that's why he stopped walking, maybe that's why he felt his eyes starting to get wet and his face stretch into a sad smile.


Hao Yuxian stopped walking and turned around.

"Yes, Your Highness?", he asked with a slightly puzzled expression on his face. Seeing Yueying's face he'd realized something was wrong. Before he could do anything though, Yueying parted his lips and spoke.

"My parents must have been really good people"
