Northern Prevailed

However, Northern's eyes widened a second later. They were now clearer after the system's voice announced his splendid progress.

Which was why he clearly saw it—a fleeting weakness, a momentary lapse in the beast's defenses as its body contorted and reshaped itself.

Northern didn't hesitate.

With a shout that echoed through the halls, he launched himself forward, the Soul Taker trailing streaks of azure light as he closed the distance.

Night Terror's formative tendrils were currently folding within, carving the finishing path of a second body and moulding out what looked like a second pair of arms.

Northern suddenly became fast. Not only was he able to see so clearly but the blue world of endless strings made it so easy for him to walk through.

Northern was currently threading on the perception of the hidden foundation that weaved reality itself. He was currently seeing the true essence of everything in this room.