Northern... pfft

Northern opened his eyes, emerging from the plane of the Limitless Void.

A remnant of blissful joy still lingered on his face as Annette opened the door and walked in.

"Huh? Were you dozing off?" she asked, arching an inquisitive brow.

Northern rose to his feet, shaking his head slightly.

Though he longed to revel in the wondrous experience, he swiftly composed himself. "Not at all," he retorted, his expression turning impassive as his azure eyes swept over Annette's humble abode.

The living space bore a rugged, roughly-hewn charm.

A simple carved table and chair stood beside her bed, antique brown papers resembling dried animal hides resting atop the surface.

Overhead, the makeshift ceiling was fashioned from the skins of slain monsters.

"The rain here can be brutal at times. It broke through once, so I had to improvise," Annette explained, noting Northern's lingering gaze upon the unimpressive ceiling.