A Pleasant Surprise

(A couple of minutes ago)

Northern and Ellis kept searching. The moment Hao left them to attend to the person at the door, Ellis began to freak out.

Whatever was happening in the city due to the appearance of a monster, he was sure it was the event of Dark Terror.

And most likely they'd be looking for him too. After all, he was the only person from the party that was missing.

If they were looking for him, that means undoubtedly that man too was out searching for him.

This was his perfect excuse to get to Ellis.

To have Ellis completely and destroy his life for daring to disobey him.

Ellis, in that moment, felt like everything he had tried to do in the while all of a sudden became useless.

He felt weak in the legs; the thought of being captured and tortured plagued him with so much cold fear.

"Please Sir Northern, you promised to help me remember?" His voice shook.