About Party Leaders [Part 2]

Raven Light Kageyama.

Raven Light Kageyama.

Raven Light Kageyama.

The words continued to ring inside Northern's mind, bugging him heavily, causing him to rife with so much worry.

'Raven is from the Kageyama clan? The same clan as Shin?'

Although his father changed their clan name and rarely mentioned his original clan, he didn't particularly hide it from Northern.

First of all, the clan flag and sigil were folded somewhere in a box, and Northern had managed to stumble upon it once.

Other times, Shin had senselessly bragged using the name of his clan.

'The great Kageyama clan,' he would say.

Another thing was, during practice, he used strange footwork that was sharp and ruthless in execution, but he never taught them to Northern.

He also never used them on hunts... even when his life depended on it.

Northern remembered asking him several times why that was the case.