A Strange And Odd Combination [Part 2]

Four individuals stood in a warm, cozy room, papers and materials scattered everywhere.

Spectacles caught the eye at every glance, some in a meaningful manner, while others appeared to be mere junk.

These four individuals stood around a table, which marked the center of the room.

One lady wore a cloth that looked like animal hide, exposing most of her body, even her belly.

Her arms rolled like muscled snakes as she leaned on the table, addressing the others.

Another donned black leather armor, tightly fitted to accentuate her womanly figure, especially her waist.

Her black tresses flowed with every slight movement of her head.

Her gaze was intense and cold, carrying no hint of emotion.

When one looked deep into her crimson eyes, their soul could get lost in the glamor they carried.

That glamor, however, was more than a spark; they were flames of disaster, coldly burning beneath the depth of her eyes.