Call Of The Tower [Part 1]

It was a lot to take in all at once.

But being called by a freaking Tower was the top of it all.

A few minutes ago...

While the ladies trekked in front, Northern moved slowly behind them.

The thickness of the sand fog was blinding but not exactly for him.

Perhaps, that just meant he was getting to discover more things about his eyes than he thought.

And after what had happened while he was extensively using Chaos, he could see better.

His vision was sharper and more accurate; it was like it went ten times better than it used to be.

His scope of vision went farther and wider, the ratio to which he could also process the information seen also skyrocketed.

And not only that, now... it seemed he could even see 360 degrees.

Surely it was a strange phenomenon.

But Northern was sure about what he felt—he didn't need to turn his head to look at his back.