The Plus One

Northern's new perspective on the run-through of how his entire life had been and the situations he had found himself in granted him the privilege to overlook certain things.

Rughsbourgh, for example, was a driving force to the beginning of his hell. But the beginning of that hell led him to meeting Koll, then to resealing Kryos.

As a matter of fact, how had he not been sure that all those events of disaster had not been to the end that he would encounter Koll and seal Kryos again?

After all, Kryos had been sealed there by the Origins themselves because it was impossible to kill him like they had killed the Chaos Prince.

So it was possible that fate, who Northern was to believe could be an Origin in this world, had intentionally played people like chess to move him towards accomplishing what it was they wanted.

And perhaps it is playing some move again right now, pushing them towards a certain destination.