The Surbodinate

"So, what is next? Dive? Or walk?"

Northern stayed silent for a few minutes, then he scrunched his eyes.

"Well, whichever one you think is faster."

"Faster? Why do we have to be worried about speed?"

"If I'm not wrong, a subordinate of mine is already down there. We don't want to miss the fun now, do we?"

"Why do you keep saying 'if you are not wrong,' 'if you are not mistaken,' when you very much know you are not?"

"What's wrong with trying to sound humble? You humans will never be pleased, I see."

"I suppose you are not one of the very humans you speak about."

Northern looked at the Lieutenant with a smile.

"Don't take too long."

He fell down the mountain unrestrained, unbothered, his form disappearing into the red cloud.

Lieutenant Dante stared deeply for a couple of beats.

'He really just fell into it?' He sighed and walked forward.