Meeting Hao [Part 3]

"It wasn't very difficult grasping the ropes of trade. It was the one thing that I was used to, in fact things seemed easier in this continent than in Stelia. They have it quite easy."

Hao took another bite of his meal, chewing busily with a short pause before his eyes met Northern's, and he continued.

"But yes. I have been able to secure necessary connections and trade routes. For now, I will be making use of my benefactor's establishment and connections. Eventually, I will break off."

Northern glared into his eyes.

"Do not trust anyone. If you trust anyone, I'll kill you."

"Eh eh eh, boy. Breathe in, okay, breathe in..."

Northern leaned back and sighed. A few moments of silence passed between them before he said, "Usually, delicate business like this is destroyed by trust and fickle attachments. Don't go off calling anyone your friend just because they helped you a lot. I will kill you."
