
Northern glared obstinately into the guy's eyes.

At that point, he almost shivered, scratching the side of his hair and smiling with his eyes.

"Ha ha, forgive me. I have this tendency to derail. Sometimes, I can just be talking about serious matters and I just start derailing and talking about things that don't matter..."

Northern's glare intensified, almost shooting lasers. The boy, as he met Northern's gaze, quickly recollected himself.

"Oh bollocks, look at me doing it again. My name is Asterman Fellihman. You can call me Aster."

Northern sighed almost silently, "Alright, Aster. Do you know where people that wear this uniform..." Northern pointed to himself, "...usually go to?"

"Of course. That was actually why I approached you. I am a second-year Artificer. Did you doll up like that because it's your first day?"

Northern squeezed his face, raising a brow.

"I beg your pardon?"