The Strange Question

Northern took a very long sleep; he had been sleeping a lot for the past week, trying to regain as much of his stamina as he could for the sole purpose of the festival.

He had also started taking subtle exercises. He would jog in the Limitless Void for three hours straight, covering 18 miles.

And it was something he started doing as soon as his stamina training for the festival began. Being able to get the strength talent might solve his problem. But Northern did not want to think it would not come with a flaw.

And finally, his subordinates had managed to break through to floor ten. He had commanded them to retreat.

This would be the last serious battle in the dungeon before the festival starts. During the festival, they will be busy fighting their way down to the twentieth floor of the tower.

Northern was about to wear his usual white round-necked top but suddenly paused and looked the other way.