The Arrival [Part 1]

After boarding the airship, the duration of their journey took almost as long as Northern was used to, or perhaps even less. He had things to do on the ship, people to watch, and sleep to catch, so he did not pay much attention to how long it took.

'I've been sleeping too much recently.'

Northern waited at the front of the deck, his eyes focused as the ship took a slow and careful dive towards the port. It moved with such measured care that people did not have to worry about sliding off its wooden deck.

Prematures, of course, held onto the ship's rails nonetheless.

Before the seventh ship landed, six others had landed before it at the same port, and the students had been received by the entourage of high nobility in the kingdom of Verulania.

As the ship settled on the high platforms, a small mass of people in noble attire waited on the ground, conversing amongst themselves.