The Catastrophic Tsunami [part 1]


Northern was slightly confused, but he could understand—to an extent—what the Paragon meant when he said they were about to be hit by a tsunami.

True, he had never been struck by a tsunami before, but how bad could it be?


The pressure dropped so rapidly his ears popped, followed by a sudden weightlessness, as if the air itself had been yanked away.

The tsunami wasn't just rising anymore. It was pulling them in.

A greedy vacuum, dragging everything toward it before the inevitable crash.

The sky darkened further, clouds spiraling inward as if devoured by the monstrous force growing before them.

"Don't fight the pull," Raizel called out, his voice impossibly calm despite the deafening roar building around them. "Use it."

Northern's muscles tensed.

Use it? How could one use a force like this?

Then, with horrifying suddenness, the tsunami surged.

It didn't just move—it erupted.