Chalice And Breeches

Northern sat composed, carefully bringing a spoonful of rice to his mouth as the Kejar scion let loose an annoyingly pleasant laugh.

Finally, the young man's pearly laughter slowed, tapering off into short, breathy giggles. He lowered his head onto the table for a moment, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, oh, oh—really. You're quite funny! That was so unexpected in many ways."

He chuckled a bit more before continuing.

"And what was that? Not that kind of person? You haven't really come out of the closet yet? Your phrasing is difficult to piece together!"

His chuckling receded into an amused sigh.

"And I wasn't even talking about liking you in that way. Oh, dear stars, you have it all completely wrong. I don't roll that way. In fact, I have a childish crush I've refused to get over—even ten years later. Quite unbelievable for someone of my caliber, right?"

Northern spared him a glance, idly chewing his food, then looked away.