White Fur - 2

A building that cascaded, layer after layer of similar structure, until it reached a crescendo at a certain point. Built within the mountain, and created with a certain mystique that I could not comprehend.

I found myself entranced by the mystery of which it held many. How it had been created, why I felt it so dangerous to go even slightly near it. Or… many others.

There was just pure curiosity that had entranced me towards it.

"Welcome… Delphine…? Is that you?"

She turned her head towards the voice, a lady, that looked almost exactly the same as Delphine. All save for a few features.

"I had thou- ah- no don't mind me."

She just hugged Delphine, took her in an embrace, ignorant of the real nature of the scarf that Delphine wore.

And so that was where I came in, a smirk on my maw as I stared blankly into her eyes. 


She placed her hand on her heart and breathed a quiet breath. 

"Del~ What is that…?"

She asked, though that first part. Was there some sort of familiarity?

"My fox." Delphine simply coaxed out, her voice was tense, as if she had not expected such… familiarity… maybe even the sudden remembrance…

It didn't matter.

"Oh is this Dahlia…" The newest man must have been a year, maybe two older than the Delphine and… Dahlia, according to the newest at least.

"And the talentless Delphine… still won't accept my offer will you…?"

There was no question amongst that tone of his. Despite how he had phrased it, and the flicker of his eyes. 

I watched, to the side, as Delphine placed a foot forwards, her hand on her side. Against a non-existent weapon.

"Of course. Who else would it be~"

The boy scowled before he finally schooled his expression.

"I had thought I saw trash. But why is this garbage in the library?"

He seemed to take pleasure in those jeers of his.

"I came for a manual." 

Delphine reached into her pocket and took out some type of token.

"Imp- Impossible!" The boy shouted.

"Whatever do you mean~?"

Delphine sang. 

"I mean that this must be forged! There is no way in hell that someone like you scored that high on the test!"

"Then believe what you will."

"Goodbye. Dahlia, you…"

She tilted her head towards the boy. A snicker came from my mouth at the disrespect.

And at the red that the boy seemed to hold in his cheeks. Humiliated by the very object of distaste he had come to mock.

"Goodbye~" Dahlia waved.

Her oversized robe seemed to flutter with her wave. And Delphine gave her own back. Though she hadn't even turned her head back to look at the girl.

The one that looked so much like Delphine herself.

A sister… maybe?

"I have come for a manual. And have been told this," Delphine gave the plaque that she had shown the boy before to the librarian. "Would allow me to browse and take a manual, would that be correct?"

The librarian adjusted her glasses, before inspecting the token. There was a scowl on her face before she gestured with her hand.

"Follow me."

She led us towards one of the dozens of rows of books. All of them gave this… mystic feel to them. 

"Here, I will watch. Make sure that you pick from these."

Delphine nodded before she whispered something to me.

So quiet that I was barely able to hear it over the quiet conversations coming from the lobby of this library.

"You choose."

I tilted my head over at her. 

And although I couldn't ask why, I could still convey the message easily enough.

Delphine merely snorted slightly before she placed my gaze over the innumerable number of techniques. Most of them were just…

It was actually most of them. Either it would be something like 'basic footwork' or 'beating technique'

They were all manuals for things and techniques that seemed inane and more harmful to learn than anything. But there was one that slightly interested me.

It was called 'Basic Claw Arts'

Hidden among other basic weapon arts, it held a significant amount of dust. And although it didn't really interest me in the slightest, there still was the fact that I had a choice.

So I chose that.

"This one? Really?"

The librarian raised an eye then just walked back to the desk, as if she expected us to follow.

I mean we did. But really, quite rude.

"This allows you to keep it for twenty four hours, after which you will come back here and return it. If not, then you will be prosecuted, your energy core crippled and your…"

She looked at the book once more, as if trying to remember what it even was.

"Your claws crippled so that you can never use the technique again."

Delphine nodded.

"Alright. I'll take my leave then."

"Here… you seemed slightly interested in it. Either practice it or not. I don't care."

With that she threw me the book that I had picked out in the library.

"Why did we go there?" 

I asked, and as I did so, I caught the book in my maw. Placed it down next to me and absently flipped through it.

"Had to." She muttered, all the while preparing some dish within the kitchen.

It was unknown what it was, for me at least. But I at least knew that the smells, that soon wafted into my nose, were delicious.

Enough for me to get off of the couch I had lay myself over, and onto the counter where I watched her cook with curious eyes.

"It does remind me." 

Delphine suddenly said.

It had been maybe ten or so minutes since she had started cooking and it slightly startled me. As I was pretty much lazing around. 

"Of what?"

"We have two days, prepare yourself."

"For what?"

My voice had become tinged with a bit of annoyance. For some reason she was becoming infuriatingly vague. 

"We will be leaving this sect soon. And there comes our opportunity."

I sighed, rested my head over the marble and let the marble rustle against my fur.

"I give up…"