White Fur - 6

Stone gates came into being. From the top towards the bottom. As we approached from the peak of a mountain.

Curious that they would think this was the best place for them to place themselves. Between hills that could be used to assault those frail walls of theirs.

And when our steps reached their towers, where the gates rolled up and down with the fussings of another. 

The guard stilled as she took sight of us. The robes we wore and the symbols our bags wore. She turned to the side and elbowed her partner. Who in turn placed her head down in welcome of us.

"Honored Cultivators" She spoke, her voice seemingly so respectful. Enough that it was quite annoying.

Nia thought the opposite, practically preened in the attention. Soaked it up while her sibling hid behind my back.

"Welcome to our humble village, if… if I may be so presumptuous may we see identification. Merely routine…" 

I sighed and took out the badge I had been given. A flower with a seemingly lone rose surrounded by thorns of all kinds.

"Thank you." She hurried. A hand that then pointed us towards the entrance. A quiet whisper to her partner that I didn't even bother to eavesdrop upon.

This is their fault.

Those egotistical bastards that had to have their way, even when being greeted. It was so… just headache inducing. The amount of times I would have to act as such. 

Execute one person where they stood, or risk annihilation of the entire city. Except that game was played with worlds.

Another reason to despite Njor, not that they were the only ones to do such - they even obeyed narrowed laws - still, I could still blame that upon them.

It would just be another mark towards the hate I held towards them. However miniscule that annoyance may be.

"Ooh!" One of the twins spoke, her eyes shone with excitement, "I heard that inn has quite comfy beds. We should rest there for the day."

Her sister nodded with her. An unspoken agreement between the two. However I merely gestured to the bag I held.

"I was given no coin for this venture. And I expect a room if we are to stay the night."

They nodded, the insinuation had hit their empty heads.

Empty heads that then dragged me towards that same inn it had talked so excitedly about.

I had no objections. I had neither been given the description I was supposed to have been given, nor any urgency for this mission.

So one more night could not hurt.

"Two rooms, both with one bed."

The receptionist smiled, his voice sweet as he spoke towards both of us.

It was at times like this that my physical age took precedence. The food that had been served to us - complementary for the purchase of our rooms - was good enough that my manners had slipped.

Instead of a graceful diner that I had trained myself to be. I was not quite messy, but hungry. A devouring stomach that delighted in the flavors it felt. 

But when all was said and done. Food stored quite well in my stomach. 

"I think that it may be about time that I be informed on what this mission is to be."

They shook their heads, disbelief in their eyes. Clear to see and clear to read.

"I had thought that senior brother would have told you. Had he not?"

I shook my head.

"No, he merely gave me three days to prepare. That was it."

I felt no discomfort in my retelling of the events. It was quite standard as I had seen it. A senior who gave tasks, and in turn never gave any specifics.

Quite standard.

But they took it as some kind of revelation.

Though soon after they merely shook their heads. A cute act that brought a motherly smile to my face.

Only to be wiped completely only a second later. I could indulge in such thoughts and affections later, and with Okami only. Not some brats that I had just met.

"Oh, then… an exte- extermination." She had a bit of trouble pronouncing the word. 

Enough that I silently blinked my eyes. Had they not been taught to read… no that was the problem wasn't it.

They were taught to read and interpret manuals but not how to speak them. Cute.

"Extermination of some enemy that has been ravaging a nearby village. Three spirit stones, split between the completers."

It was at that, the reward that I interrupted.

"Are you sure? Three?"

She nodded, and the more demure one spoke up for the first time in a while.

"Yeah. I double checked with the mission lady."

She didn't even know her name… no now wasn't the time to dwell on such thoughts. It was lucky enough that we had been given a mission with such rewards but what was even luckier was that I was no longer under that constant surveillance of theirs.

I knew not who had watched me, nor of their intentions. Only their gaze… it felt well and truly… I grimaced.

I felt disgusted just at the thought of it.

It had been years, decades maybe.. Since someone had looked at me like that. There were ones that came with greed, or that had wanted my head.

Not such great evils that lessers could commit without much of a thought.

Just that gaze of his, that reigned down with a certain emotion present amongst his mind. It told of all I ever needed to know.

I sighed, culled the man from my mind. Such thoughts could be pondered over later. For now…

Our meal was interrupted by a performance. Children - our own age - came from behind curtains and wore masks of varied colors.

A dexterity found only in those of the elementary realm. 

They switched their masks between each other. And with such similar clothes. It was a sort of teleportation. A trick of the eyes that rendered one's brain with the only logical option being that their form had disappeared and reappeared.

Quite an impressive play.