White Fur - 8

Snow fell around the edge of my vision. A white blizzard that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Yet as time continued to pass within the edges of my vision.

So too did the frozen tundra seem to edge closer towards a more complete and utter consumption. Where once the whole could be seen, brilliant white contrasted by a graying tree, a green so struggled to live.


I woke. To the rustle of another. Her hand placed over my snout and carried close to her breast. A dream… it had to be…

I shook the thought from my mind. And as sudden as it was, as revealing as it had become… so too did it fade from my mind.

Replaced by the slow bounce of foot over foot. Hurried steps that brought us closer to an ultimate conclusion. Muscles that could not hold such speed, not yesterday, they had struggled so visibly.

Yet now… fresh as the day, so too was the fire, that burning sensation that foretold exhaustion. She showed no sign of such discomfort. Merely a determined look, gazed toward the ever rolled hills.

Their ups and downs seemingly endless. But within the day, when the sun had firmly set directly above my own head. 

A village appeared within my village. They had not the swayed hills of crops. Not the defenses that had been set so prominent within the edges of that town. Merely a gate made of wood. 

A guard that slept upon the post. A bubble ready to burst at the very mention of conflict.

They seemed too… too relaxed. Too lighthearted in the face of the danger described to us within their own admission.

"Welcome." She greeted, the spear leaned against the post, now firmly held within her grip. 

I had noticed something. A strange something that had bothered my mind so readily.

"I would humbly ask if thee are the cultivators we had requested. Her head was held so low, her back made a perfect edge.

"Yes, if you would escort us…?"

One of the twins - I had not bothered with their names - spoke. However this was the shyer of the two.


However, that trend.

Why women…?

They seemed to pop up within every conceivable job, cept' for the most domestic.

Why had they? Was it some…

I shook my head of the thoughts, focused onto the proceedings by a slight bop of my nose.

"Focus." She whispered. And I did. 

Onto the narrow dirt roads, of the children that poked their heads out of the bosoms of their parents. Who curiously wandered towards us only to be held down by firm hands.

A curious look - that I could relate to - on their faces, clear to see .

"I was told that four would come…?" There was a quiet mutter as that same guard left the room. Her hands gently closed the door behind her.

The only light, a small window upon the far side of the room. That which illuminated the table and scrolls that had been placed upon it.

"We had not the resources." Was the shy one's response. Her voice stuttered a bit on certain words, but only those astutely - like all - observing her would notice.

"I see. Well then let me inform you of the job I have."

He turned from that well mannered man, to an old soul that seemed delighted to have one more person to listen to his story.

Though I tuned him out, only to be pinched on the side. Like a mother would do, she seemed determined to nag me to death.

And so I listened.

The gist of which was easily summarized outside of his wild stories.

Thirty five deaths, presumed.

A cause that had not been determined yet. Only that there had been faint whispers of beasts intruding upon the traps and talismans placed to ward them away from this settlement.

But even those were unverified.

However the crux of the matter was that we were to search for these beasts, end their life, and if possible salvage the remains of those dead villagers.

"I will see to it that this is done." Delphine spoke, her voice firm as she left the room. Her hand over my stomach, and with little effort, so too did she pick me up and place me over her shoulder.

Regardless of the comfort. It still had me in thought, in curiosity.

These beasts, it was said that none had found them. Not even a single sight of their hide. Nor the color of their fur.

Only that they existed. Took people within their own homes, in the safety the walls afforded them - no matter the weakness of it - for according to their own boasts.

They had talismans to detect and ward off any stray beast that may come close. If they worked, that was the question.

But I had to go off the assumption that they did - of course I could go the easy route and say they didn't but that would make for less fun - and if they did. Then that would mean that some higher rank beast.

Maybe even in the profound realm.

They lurked around. And for some strange reason, rather than slaughter the clear defenseless, merely took in their sleep.

Spaced out enough that they could…

"Is… is this what I think it is…"

I muttered, only into the ear of Delphine. And when I met her gaze. Her smile widened.

"Of course it is." 

Our thoughts melded as one.

"They wanted to draw us in. Ones that aren't strong enough to resist but talented enough to cultivate."

I speculated.

And my response. A smile that seemed to grin wider.

"Good job!" She exclaimed. A smile over her face that seemed so rare to see.

Still. I preened. Let her pet my fur.

The sun seemed to fade seemingly… so seemingly easy. The day, that had seemed so endless, had faded and left only the dark of night.

A plain filled with murky vision. A scream that - although nonexistent - seemed to echo so loosely in my ear.

And golden sight that scoured the surroundings for any sign of movement. Only to silently shake their head. A negative.

"None here." She spoke. The more confident twin, she seemed so nervous. In constant contact with that sword of hers, partnered back to back with her twin.