Small Steps

"What's wrong?" Arella held him tightly and asked lightly.

Adrian unconsciously tightened his hold around her. He felt stupified by the sudden intimacy. He found sweetness and satisfaction filling him to the brim. But the guilt of deceiving her poked him over and over again.

"What if I have a hidden purpose in asking for the ruby?" He voiced his troubles timidly. He really didn't know that hiding something from her could bring such a painful throbbing in him. It wasn't overwhelming, but made him extremely uncomfortable.

"Like what? Stealing, pawning, or selling?" She giggled lightly. She enjoyed being in his arms. He was strong. Strong enough to straighten her crumbling mood. His arms, though stiff, were very comfortable.

"I trust you. You will take good care of it." She knew it in her core.

He was dependable. Since the moment they met, he has acted as a calm, mature, and responsible partner. She wanted to trust him. After all, she had nobody else to be counted as her family. She wanted to believe him.

But today, when he asked for her ruby, she detected that something was wrong. She didn't know if he really wanted a token from her or if was it all for the ruby. But when she saw him glaring at the ruby with guilt and struggle floating in eyes, she knew, that he had an ulterior motive.

But did it matter? Of course not. Because she knew what kind of a man he was. He wouldn't do anything to hurt her. That is why she cheerfully and undoubtedly handed it over to him.

"Okay, I will keep it safe." His wife was such a treasure! How could he let any harm touch her? He had to get this ruby evaluated at any cost!

With a firm resolution and glint of protection in his spirit, he lowered his head and found a comfortable spot on her neck. He gladly burrowed his head into her neck and tried to take in her smell. She was not only warm and comfortable but very fragrant as well.

Why was she so perfect? He sighed in relief at his luck. Maybe he should make an offering at the Beast God temple for finding him such a perfect match.

Meanwhile, Arella too, had found a comfortable spot on his chest. She was basking in his calming embrace. Her mood which had dampened because of his departure was now being comforted. It's okay! It was a fortnight at best and a full at worst. It shouldn't be long. She could handle it.

She tried to console herself, preparing for his absence. Both of them were reluctant but could do nothing.


A sonorous ringing disturbed their tranquillity. It was like a stone thrown into the calm waters. And the emerging and upsurging ripples managed to destroy the serenity.

Both of them stilled and then reluctantly backed up a bit. They stood close. And checked the intruder.

It was the beeping sound coming from his watch. It was a message from Andrew. It read that the headquarters were waiting for them with 'bated breath'.

In reality, he was just urging his chief to say his goodbyes fast! How rude! But Adrian knew that he couldn't delay any longer. So, he gave one last look to his wife and started moving towards the door.

But after taking a few steps, he stopped again. He looked at the girl next to him, lowered his face a little, and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"I am leaving then, take care." He whispered and then left.

All this happened in a flash. Arella was left bewildered. She unconsciously raised her hand. She touched the kissed spot on her forehead while looking dazedly at the walking man.

"Safe journey. Come back soon." She spoke in a lowered voice. Of course, the man couldn't hear it. But that didn't dampen his spirits at all. Arella only had access to his back, which is why she didn't notice the faint arch of a smile on his face.

He was elated. She embraced him and he kissed her. Both were trying to take small steps toward a lovely married life. Looks like, he wasn't the only one feeling the pull of their connection! 

Since the day they took their blood oath, he felt an urgency to be in her proximity, to touch her, or to kiss her. But he knew that she needed time. He could only hold her when they slept at night.

But today, when she embraced him in bright daylight, he couldn't hold back. He badly wanted to kiss her. Not the gentleman's kiss but a husband's. And not only kiss, he wanted to ravish her, knead her into his body. He even wanted to bully her under him. Such thoughts were enough for him to lose control.

But he knew that all of this was because of the blood oath. When they drank the blood, both of them had each other's blood flowing in their veins. It was the blood wanting to be near its host. Arella's blood coursed through the veins of Adrian wanted to be near her and vice versa.

He wanted to do a lot of things but now was not the time. He could do all that and more afterward. Not now. For now, he had to settle down with a forehead kiss.

When his lips touched her silky warm skin, he received a jolt of electric current. His mind crashed for a moment. Fortunately, he regained his senses in a short while. So, that is how a kiss feels!

Adrian made his way to the airship and boarded it. The pilot and Andrew were already waiting for him. Both of them saluted him simultaneously and then, both of them became equally shocked!

'Why…why was his chief smiling? Had they ever seen him showing off his perfect teeth?'

Both the assistants had the same questions running amok in their heads.

"Aren't we being late? Or did you disturb me for nothing?" Adrian was back to his poker face, aloof nature, and cold voice.

"Yes Sir! We are taking off now." Sensing the chilly waves radiating from him, both the assistants made an escape for their lives.

The squirrel spirit and the eagle spirit, different beasts, but both were equally terrified of their chief's wrath! Andrew was even shivering a little. Because it was he who had messaged their chief. Had he disturbed his good time with Madam? He won't get punished for it, right? Andrew flew in uncertainty.

When they reached, Adrian was called in to check all their supplies. They still had half an hour in their departure.

"Andrew. We have 30 minutes till departure. Run 30 laps of the ground." Adrian instructed him before going to his office.

"Yes Sir!" Andrew instinctively reacted and started running. But afterward, a sudden thunder boomed over Andrew's head! 30..30 laps of the ground? Run...running?

He was an Eagle spirit! The thing he hated the most was running. And 30 laps in 30 minutes? It was practically a death sentence!

Now he knew. He was being punished. It seems like, from next time, he would need to be more careful to not disturb him when he was with Madam! He has learned his lesson.